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Ex Final landfill will be converted to be ecotourism spot


ex-final-landfill-will-be-converted-to-be-ecotourism-spotBy: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS (PANGKALAN BUN )– Ex final landfill in Pangkalan Bun will be converted as forest city. Not only converted for it but also as ecotourism spot. It is said by head of environmental agency (Badan Lingkungan Hidup/ BLH) Kotawaringin Barat, Fahrizal Fitri said beside converted as forest city, ex final landfill will convert as place for environmental attraction, environmental education and ecotourism spot.

Fitri assumed, the statement of ecotourism will be begin after all tree has growth and big. After that, government will prepare the infrastructure as ecotourism spot.

Besides that, the large of ex final landfill is 5 hectare. It has planted by about 1.000 trees endemic of Kalimantan. The trees are Meranti, amang, ulin, belawan, etc.

The aim, the final landfill not only as waste final processing but also as forest city

“We are doing the same in other final landfill with large 35 hectare. There is some zone that has been noted, we have planted trees in there. The reason, the final landfill both as waste final processing and also as forest city,” said fitri.

Fitri hopes, the planted of tree endemic Kalimantan in final landfill, it will be as monument for various tree endemic Kalimantan. Fitri remind, the next youth generation will be difficult to see and recognize the tree endemic Kalimantan. By this project, they can use it as material learning.


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