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Migrant should be blended with local people


By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Central Kalimantan Province is a province with various race and culture inside. Dayak race is original race of Central Kalimantan with Dayak Ngaju language as lingua franca or united language. In there are famous with Huma Betang philosophy, where people live together in peace and save whether they are various race, religion and culture.

Since in Suharto era, starting transmigration program, many migrant come to and stay in Central Kalimantan province. they are from many region in Indonesia such Java, Madura, Bali, Lombok, Banjar, dst.

It is also happen in Murung Raya regency, many migrant make the social live in the northernmost in Central Kalimantan is more complex. One race of migrant in this regency is Banjar race.

In facing the case, Regent of Murung Raya, Perdie M Yoseph, in the inauguration committee of Banjar family Harmony said, hopes the migrant can be blended with local people. Regent gave example on language matter.

“For example about language. We know all race origin in Murung Raya regency able speak Banjar language, but in contrast, no much Banjar’s people able to speak local language, such Bakumpai or Siang language,” said regent.

Regent also said that migrant, especially Banjar, to blend, both in culture and language. “It’s good if we maintenance our culture, will be better if we can blend with local wisdom and if there is a miscommunication, sure, it will more ease to solve it,” said him.

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