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Learning from Jakarta to handle Voters Disabilities

Voters disabilities in Jakarta Image: detik.com

By: Moch. Irfandi )*

The number of user suffrage disabilities registered in Information Systems page Vote Count (Situng) KPU as many as 10,228 voters. Meanwhile, the number of disabled voters listed in the voters list (DPT), as 5,371. The increased number of 4857 voters, or 90.4 percent.

Jakarta KPU commissioner Betty Epsilon Idroos said, an increasing number of voters disability is most likely because many disabled voters in the DPT which is not included in the voter disability based on the results of matching and research (coklit) from house to house.

However, when voters use their right to vote on February 15, the group organizing the ballot (KPPS) determine the condition of disabled voters and recorded. That’s what makes the high increase in the number of voters in 2017 DKI disabilities in the elections.

Based on the data on the page Situng, partner Agus Yudhoyono Harimurti-Sylviana Murni won 17.06 percent of votes or elected by 936 461 pemilih.Kemudian, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) -Djarot Saiful Hidayat acquire 42.96 percent of the vote or have 2,357,758 voters , Meanwhile, Anies Baswedan-Uno Uno or 2.19353 million won 39.97 percent of the vote.

The General Election Commission (KPU) Jakarta do some necessary preparations ahead of the vote in the elections of Jakarta in 2017.

One of these preparations to facilitate voter disabilities. Reporting from Jakarta KPU’s official website, www.kpujakarta.go.id, disability turnout in the elections in 2017 DKI as many as 5,371 people, with the details, is a quadriplegic 1,509 voters, 587 voters blind, 673 deaf voters, 1,378 voters tunagrahita, and 1,224 persons with other disabilities.

Jakarta KPU commissioner Betty Epsilon Idroos said, voters disabilities will be treated the same as other voters. However, they will get priority. These priorities aimed to disabilities, the elderly, and pregnant women, will heed to be able to exercise their voting rights.

Then, Jakarta KPU provide Braille template to use for visually impaired voters. At each polling station provided a Braille template to form an envelope. The ballots will be inserted into the template making it easier for voters to cast their choice.

Moreover, Jakarta KPU TPS-friendly design with disabilities, for example, for wheelchair users, KPU designing TPS width of the entrance of at least one meter. Thus, wheelchair users can enter the polling stations independently.

KPU also prepare C3 form, namely forms disability assistance if voters need help in the voting booth. C3 form was filled by parties who assist to ensure that they will not divulge the voter’s choice, accompanied disabilities. If the companion leaked, they could be convicted.

Viewed friendly facility KPU given to persons with disabilities in the general election yesterday, it certainly can be a learning experience for the Commission in other areas to follow the example of how KPU DKI, considering people with disabilities also have the right to distribute voice for a better Indonesia.

)* Observer Political Economy of Indonesia

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