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The Decision on the Establishment of a Terrorist Organization through the Court Appreciated


By: Ajeng Mufadillah)*

Terrorist and intelligence analyst Harith Abu Ulya of the Community of Ideological Islamic Analyst (CIIA) appreciates the decision of the government and the House of Representatives regarding the determination of terrorist organizations to go through court decisions.

Harist revealed through a short message on Thursday (30/03/2017) that it is fair if through the courts to decide whether a particular group into the category of terrorists or not. Indonesia is a sovereign country. Indonesia should no longer follow the United Nations (UN) or foreign countries in the eradication of terrorism.

Moreover, following the donor countries. In order to make the NKRI safe from security threats must also refer to the legal corridor in force in Indonesia. UN or foreign countries, Harits continued, could have helped Indonesia in terms of acts of combating terrorism.

However, not by way of legal intervention. Rather limited funds or capacity building of the authorities. Harist said that it does not mean that Indonesia should be ducked with all the provisions they offer. Because actual global facts show ‘war on terrorism’ which western country not declared action free of value, but full of political interest.

Harits also hoped that the agreement between the government and the House of Representatives on the determination of terrorist organizations should be through the court’s decision to change the direction of the eradication of terrorism in Indonesia that was less transparent and more followed the foreign countries become more open and independent.

Reportedly, the agreement emerged during a special committee meeting on the revision of Law Number 15 Year 2003 on the Crime against Terrorism between the government and the House of Representatives.

A member of the Special Committee on Anti-terrorism Arsul Sani said on Friday (24/3/2017) that it was agreed that the establishment of a terrorist organization would not follow the UN list but follow the court’s decision. So, although it has been registered by the UN, but as long as not yet apply in Indonesia, then not yet binding.

Hopefully the determination of terrorism organizations that have to go through court decisions will be able to change the direction of eradication of terrorism in Indonesia that was not transparent to be more open and independent.

It is important for us to safeguard our rule of law from foreign intervention, because we have a counter-terrorism agenda in line with national interests.

)* The author is CIDISS contributor

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