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Perppu Social Organization Strengthen National Commitment in the Frame of Diversity


CIDISS. Student and community support towards the issuance of Government Regulation in Perppu Number 2/2017 on the amendment of Law Number 17/ 2013 on Social Organization is getting stronger.

Because the Perppu will be used to fend off a group that does not have a commitment nationality as well as contrary to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

Vice Chairman of the Assembly Assembly of Islamic University Students Assafiyah (MPM UIA) Taufiqurohman Arif said that as long as the Perppu is used to uphold the commitment of nationality and affirming Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution as the basis of the state should we support. Because if replaced with another nation this plural would be all to lose.

He also explains, Social Organization Perppu is very necessary to anticipate mass organizations who want to replace the ideology of Pancasila with another ideology, Perppu it is very appropriate. We as a plural society will be threatened if (Pancasila) is replaced.

The issuance of Perppu, Arif said again, is right for the sake of maintaining Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution and the integrity of NKRI. The existence of Pancasila is what makes us all together to survive and survive to this day, so why should we support because there is no guarantee that Pancasila replaced us can be like this, still can maintain the difference in the religious.

Arif, who is also Vice Chairman of the Association of Nadhatul Ulama Students of Bekasi City also asked that the House of Representatives to immediately the Perppu, and did not create a new debate. We ask the House of Representatives to immediately ratify the Perppu and do not bring practical political debates because the real national interest will be threatened if (Pancasila) is replaced.

Strengthening Commitment of Perppu No. 2 of 2017 should strengthen Indonesia’s national commitment. Growing a sense of obedience and loyal to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. This condition can occur when a good cooperation between the government and the people which is convincing of the goals that oriented to the interests of Indonesian nationality. The presence of Perppu No. 2 Year 2017 let us welcome as the government’s efforts to establish a peaceful national life safe and peaceful. Enforcing and strengthening the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution in order to preserve and maintain the survival of the Indonesian nation.

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