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Pancasila is able to muffle the Nation’s Turmoil


CIDISS. Today era, the young generation will not be easy to meet its future. Many challenges must be faced by the next generation of the nation, one of which is to overcome the threat of market fundamentalism and religious fundamentalism is increasingly incentive to erode the values ​​of Pancasila and diversity. Under such conditions the presence of Pancasila values ​​is expected to be a neutralizer of the situation.

Deputy Secretary of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI) faction H Abidin Fikri SH MH said that as a generation must unite to face the challenge by understanding the basic consensus of the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila, 1945 Constitution, Bhineka Tunggal Ika and NKRI.

Abidin said, when the movement of movement has been felt threaten NKRI, it should be a prevention. One of them implements the values ​​of Pancasila in the life of the nation. Abidin added, the diversity of the Indonesian nation began to race, religion, tribe and among groups is a great potential in upright NKRI.

Explained important milestones that must be understood by the young generation now is the long history of unity and unity of the nation as the crystallization of Youth Pledge in 1928. Because the momentum of the youth oath is the embryo of crystallization of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia filled with the spirit of the sense of destiny and awkwardness, plus the idea of ​​unity as a nation with a land one, one nation and uphold the language of unity, the Indonesian language.

Abidin said, after the reform era, it seems that the condition of Indonesia is comfortable. But in fact many serious problems that threaten the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, without the conscious comfort that makes this nation fail. This nation is illustrated like a frog in a pan, then heated. Because the warmth of the frog feel comfortable and not jump. But a long time if left in the end will die. Indonesia is now like that.

Therefore, the state of Indonesia should be kept in order not to be destroyed. One of them by implementing the values ​​of Pancasila itself. Under normal conditions Pancasila as required by the Indonesian nation, but when the state is in a precarious state with various threats, Pancasila must be present to dampen the turmoil.

By: Ajeng Mufadillah*)

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