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Respect Differences and Tolerance, Minister of Manpower asks Indonesia People to appreciate Different Opinions about the Greeting of Big Day


Minister of Religious Affairs (Menag) Lukman Hakim Saifuddin asked residents to appreciate the difference of opinion regarding the law of wishing the Merry of Hari Raya for the followers of religion in Indonesia who usually reappeared ahead of the Christian holiday, Christmas.


After launching the local translation of the Qur’an in Jakarta, Menag Lukman said that of course we can understand that we are a religious society. Among the Moeslim Citizen, there is a diversity in delivering Christmas greetings to their Christian siblings.


Menag said that there are Muslims who forbid Muslims to send Christmas greetings to Christians for that reason is a form of recognition of the birth of Jesus Christ. Which in the aqidah and beliefs of Muslims is certainly not God as believed by Christians, so they forbid.


However, he continued, there are also among Muslims who look to congratulate Christmas to Christians are not haram, allowed because it is a congratulation on the birth of Prophet Isa AS.


He said, so being perceived in the Christmas commemoration of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), which is not against the prophet, against our parents, our children and our sister, annually celebrates his birthday. Especially against a prophet who is the Prophet Isa. Of course this is not just simply, but it is recommended.


In essence, he said, differences in views about the law to deliver Christmas greetings that occur because of the perception and interpretation of the meaning of Christmas is not the same.


Therefore, the Minister of Religion invites different parties not to blame each other but to respect each other.


He invites those who forbid Christmas to understand others who allow him, so that disagreements do not disturb the relationship of brotherhood between fellow countrymen and fellow human beings.


Nevertheless, the Minister of Religious Affairs affirmed that Muslims agree on not allowing the practice of Christmas Day rituals. So that is forbidden is to perform religious rituals, worship. But if Christmas greeting happens diversity and with this diversity hopefully we can understand each other.


We hope Christians understand that Muslims have different beliefs about Christmas sayings. So Christians must also have a big heart that there are some of his brothers who because of his belief, because of his understanding, he did not say goodbye to Christmas. From here the tolerance between the laity is necessary for the integrity of our beloved country. The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Uphold peace even though we are different religions.

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