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Bali Hit By Earthquake, IMF Meeting – World Bank Will Still Be Held In Bali


Cidiss. The area of  Bali and West Nusa Tenggara has recently experienced frequent earthquakes, this morning the Bali region was rocked by an earthquake of 5.4 magnitude at 05.48 WITA, but the earthquake was said not to cause damage to buildings or casualties and without the potential for a tsunami. This earthquake was also not related to the earthquake in Lombok, NTB.

This earthquake was quite strong for people in Bali, especially in Denpasar, Jimbaran, and Kuta (Bali) with the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale reaching III-IV, while Mataram, Central Lombok and East Lombok (NTB) were weaker than in Bali. or MMI III scale. “Earthquake with a magnitude of 5.4, on Aug. 23 2018 at 05:48:40, the epicenter of the earthquake in the sea 103 km southwest of Denpasar (Bali) with a depth of 10 Km,” revealed BMKG, through its official account, Thursday (23/8) .

Considering the closer implementation of the IMF – World Bank annual meeting whose preparations have reached 90%, the 2018 Annual Meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (World Bank) is confirmed to be held in Bali. Welcoming for 18 thousand delegates from 189 countries in the world remains according to plan.

Chairperson of the 2018 IMF-World Bank Annual Meeting of the IMF Committee Susiwijono Moegiarso said that the earthquake that occurred in Bali and West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) was the concern of all participants. However, the Indonesian Government still assured the preparation of the event according to the original plan, Susiwijono asserted that there was no transfer of other locations at the meeting held on 8-14 October 2018 in Nusa Dua, Bali. The addition of preparations was only done on the technical anticipation of the event.

Susiwijiono remains confident, that Bali is quite safe for organizing this IMF-World Bank meeting. Even so, it also keeps an eye on the latest developments related to this earthquake by cooperating with related parties such as PVMBG and BMKG, “Regarding the earthquake we will coordinate with PVMBG and BMKG. Later there are some experts. In this week we will confirm what kind of position. If according to the estimation, the sliding will not go east to the west, “he explained.

By : Rikky, S*)

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