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Make 2019 Election Peacefull


CIDISS. The General Election Commission has opened registration of candidates for president and vice president from Saturday 4 August at 08.00 WIB until Friday 10 August at 24.00 WIB. Where before the last seconds of closing the registration of the presidential and vice presidential candidates, there were 2 pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates who had self-registration.

As is known, the two presidential and vice presidential candidates have received the serial number, where the incumbent pair Joko Widodo, who is side by side with the inactive General Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council, Ma’ruf Amin, gets the serial number one. Meanwhile, General Chairman of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, who was paired with former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Sandiaga Uno, got number two. Through social media, the public is busy discussing the drawing of serial numbers of presidential candidates and vice presidential candidates. Each supporter starts to spread content that is a candidate for a presidential candidate – a particular vice presidential candidate, complete with the serial number obtained.

One of the hopes of the community where the issue of DKI Jakarta Regional Head Election is crowded with SARA issues, will not be repeated in the 2019 Presidential Election. At present, the two camps of the presidential candidates have ‘fortified’ from the attack. SARA and identity politics by presenting ulama figures in their ranks.

In order for the presidential election to run peacefully, the General Election Commission has made various efforts, one of which is to carry out the declaration of a peaceful campaign at Monas with the theme of a peaceful, democratic and dignified campaign. This gives hope that through this peaceful campaign will bring hope that the 2019 election results will be able to bring Indonesia to a better level.

For this reason, in order to further reduce the possibility of future conflicts, the participation of all parties is needed. Not only the organizers, but also parties that are not directly related to the holding of the election later. Because, the election is a party of our common democracy.

By: Mirwan Achmad )*

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