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Dedication of President Joko Widodo Amidst Hoax Hurricane


CIDISS – President Joko Widodo talked about hoaxes and slander that often appear before general elections. He also told of his attitude towards hoaxes which often targeted him especially through social media.


Hoaxes that often attack President Joko Widodo are generally related to Jokowi and the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). The issue began to develop since the 2014 Presidential Election. Until now, the issue of the PKI had not completely disappeared. Jokowi also fought the hoax by clarifying based on valid facts and data. Following is one of Jokowi’s valid statements regarding the PKI issue.


“I have been in business for 4 years. I am mediocre, but is it good education? Reproach and slander. Since 2014, President Jokowi was called. The PKI was dissolved in 1965, 1966. I was born in 1961. It’s not impossibel if a 4 year or toddler has been PKI activist, “he said.


The existence of these allegations is nothing but an attempt by the opposition in overthrowing President Joko Widodo. This should not be done by paircandidate who will compete in the presidential election. How much better, campaign according to the rules.


The rise of hoaxes against President Joko Widodo does not change the attitude and responsibility of President Joko Widodo to continue to serve and work to build Indonesia towards an advanced Indonesia.


A concrete example of President Joko Widodo’s efforts and dedication is to continue to build Indonesia in accordance with Nawacita. This can be viewed from infrastructure development in Papua, improving the quality of the BPJS, Honorary Policies, the growth of domestic investment and the development of national strategic projects that are not only centered on Java.


Since Indonesia’s independence, President Joko Widodo has been the president who is focused on building infrastructure in Papua so that he can bring Papua prosperous. Not only that, the unyielding performance has also been proven by being able to take over 51% of PT. Freeport Indonesia.


In addition, it can also be noted that the government’s rapid performance and response in handling disasters that occurred during the administration of this period. This can be seen from the government’s response in dealing with the world earthquake disaster in Lombok, the world earthquake in Central Sulawesi, and the evacuation of JT610 victims in Karawang.


Amidst the storm and riot hoax that always targeted President Joko Widodo, he never dampened the pace of dedication and hard work in building Indonesia.


This is reinforced by a statement by the Bogor City PPP Politician, Zainul Mutaqin, saying that various hoaxes launched to undermine Jokowi’s electability as Indonesia’s current leader can always be resisted through performance in building the nation.


According to Zainul, he personally considered Jokowi as a leader who was firm and courageous in making decisions. According to him, this is not easy for leaders of big countries like Indonesia.


“He is clean from the collusion, corruption, and nepotism so that he is brave to bring Indonesia to a better direction,” he said.


By: Sapri Rinaldi (Observer of Social and Politics)

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