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Considering Indonesia in Prabowo’s Shade


By: Grace Septiana *

Occupying the number one seat in Indonesia is certainly the dream of many people, both political figures, academics, legal experts, to ordinary people. Various facilities, income to honor as a President are certainly quite tempting for a number of individuals with diverse motivations. However, in the midst of the wishes of a number of people, they often forget the severity of the responsibility to lead Indonesia as a very complex country.

One of the challenges for the President of Indonesia in terms of socio-culture is to unite diversity in Indonesia, which consists of various tribes and religions. Certainly not an easy thing especially if there is an effort of provocation from certain parties. On the other hand, in terms of geography, Indonesia is also quite complex. As an archipelagic country, the President of Indonesia must be able to regulate development evenly throughout the region to avoid the existence of separatist seeds. Likewise with other problems that are no less complex, the solution. Of course to overcome this challenge, the elected President must have strong qualifications and personalities.

Later, one of the Presidential candidates in the 2019 Presidential Election, Prabowo Subianto said that Indonesia would prosper if he was elected President, on the contrary if he was not elected then Indonesia would be extinct. Hearing this statement, presumably, Prabowo was very confident in his ability to lead Indonesia in the period 2019-2024. However, does Prabowo have the competency and personality that is appropriate?

To answer this question, of course we need to look at the ways in which Prabowo Subianto’s decision was made in solving problems. In the past two months, Prabowo has shown a very inaccurate and reckless way of making decisions regarding the hoax case of Ratna Sarumpaet. Prabowo Subianto hurriedly held a press conference to build a narrative that seemed to corner the government as the mastermind behind Ratna’s case. Based on this case, there was a fatal mistake by Prabowo that should not be carried out by a presidential candidate.

Prabowo Subianto did not validate a problem he faced. Depending on one source, he dared to make a decision. Of course it would be very unfortunate if the President did not carry out validation in taking policy. Perhaps, in the case of Ratna Sarumpaet, those affected by Prabowo’s steps were only party names and electability. However, if Prabowo’s attitude takes place within the realm of the country’s leaders, the ones affected will be all Indonesian people and it cannot be imagined what losses will be suffered.

In addition to the way of decision making, Prabowo’s emotional personality in responding to problems is also a fatal thing that should not be done by the President. In a joint meeting of the Advisory Panel 212, Usamah, Chair of Permusi, said that Prabowo hit the conference table because someone was questioning his Islam. Prabowo is said to look very angry and emotional when criticized. In fact, the temperamental behavior made the clerics present at the forum stunned and shocked. Indeed, a professional president must certainly be able to accept criticism and suggestions from the public, religious leaders to observers. How could a President be able to make decisions that accommodate the interests of many people if he cannot hear criticism and suggestions. This can later disrupt the objectivity of a President in making decisions for the country. Again, those who suffer from such attitudes are the state and all its people.

Based on the series of events in Prabowo in making these decisions and actions, it can be assessed that Prabowo Subianto still did not have the qualifications to lead Indonesia. As a country full of complex problems, Indonesia needs leaders who are able to think clearly without being disturbed by their unstable and temperamental personality. In addition, Indonesia also does not need a reckless President but a President who is able to make decisions with full consideration and maturity. Therefore, the community needs to be more rational and logical in choosing. Indeed, it is the voice of the people that will determine the direction of the Indonesian people. Don’t let us choose the President wrongly.

*) The author is a FISIP Student at the Dharma Agung University

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