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Sandiaga Uno, Actor Behind The Jakarta Reclamation Mega Project


By: Akmal Pramesti *


Sandiaga Uno’s decision to advance as a Deputy President Candidate reaps the pros and cons of many groups, especially the people of DKI Jakarta. The community considers that Sandi deliberately fled because he could not fulfill his promises during the campaign, namely making improvements and development especially in the economic field. The promises of the Sandi campaign such as OK-OCE, the cancellation of the Jakarta Bay reclamation project, the DP Percent House, OK Trip, until the construction of the Jakarta Persija Club Stadium, cannot be realized. Even the promise by experts is stated to be difficult to materialize. Maybe that’s what made Sandi run away to become vice president so that his name rose.


All future leaders must present promises during the campaign to introduce the program to the community. But, these promises must be realized when he is elected leader. For example, President Jokowi promised to build the trans Papua road during the campaign period. While serving as President, he truly realized his promise by building the Trans Papua road, even with the bonus of equalizing fuel prices so that the Papuan people who had rarely been touched, truly felt the presence of the Indonesian Government.


Keeping and realizing campaign promises, that is difficult that can not even be found in Sandi. People like this want to advance in the presidential election. Promises especially about what he will send to the community. If we see until now, 4 months ahead of the presidential election, Sandi does not have a clear program in developing Indonesia. Cleverly, Sandi was able to cover up his mistakes by selling looks to the mothers who did not know and did not want to know the mistakes of Password.


If there is a survey of the DKI Jakarta area where the most hate Sandi, North Jakarta must be answered. Why North Jakarta? Yes, the problem with the Jakarta Bay reclamation project that has hitherto made promises. The coastal communities of North Jakarta, the fishermen who depend on their daily lives in the Jakarta Bay region, who at the time of the Jakarta Pilgub were forced to choose Sandi because they promised to cancel reclamation, are currently the most disappointed because reclamation continues. Very hearty Password lied to the people by indulging in false promises.


From there the community asks, why can’t trivial cancel reclamation be carried out by the governor / deputy governor of Jakarta? The answer is of course the interests of Sandiaga Uno, the wealthy businessman who likes to sacrifice the fate of the people. In the mega reclamation project, there are several interests and companies that play. PT Kapuk PT Kapuk Naga Indah (KNI) Agung Sedayu Group, PT Jakarta Propertindo, PT Taman Harapan Indah

PT Jaladri, PT PJA, PT Jaya Ancol, PT Manggala Krida Yudha, PT Muara Wisesa-Agung Podomoro Land, are a number of companies that develop property businesses in 13 artificial / reclaimed islands. And Sandiaga Uno plays there.


A few months ago, Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan had just issued a Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 58 of 2018 concerning the Establishment, Organization and Work Procedure of the North Coast Jakarta Reclamation Management Coordinating Board. The Governor Regulation contains the formation of the North Coast Jakarta Reclamation Management Coordinating Board or the Jakarta BKP. By a number of people, the regulation is an step by Anies who wants to continue the reclamation efforts in the bay of Jakarta. Yes, surely the Governor will be reluctant to cancel reclamation if his Deputy also plays in the mega project.


The Environmental NGO together with the northern coastal community of Jakarta can no longer count how many times they have held demonstrations demanding that the government cancel the reclamation project. The community considered the Anies indecisive to encourage the cancellation of the Jakarta reclamation project. Even though Sandiaga Uno used the issue of cancellation of the reclamation project as a campaign promise in the DKI Jakarta Election 2017. Several times Sandi was asked by reporters regarding reclamation, but he always dodged and told reporters to immediately confirm to the Governor. Why can’t password answer directly? From there it is clear who has the interest behind the reclamation project.


Passwords are indeed rich entrepreneurs. With an age that is still relatively young to have enormous wealth, Sandi is questionable, is he pure or is he cunning in playing with the project. With the start of the disclosure of cases involving Sandi, plus the appearance of his name in the Panama Papers, it was clear that Sandi had played on big projects, which sacrificed the community for personal gain. Indonesian society has been lied to by many entrepreneurs. Just look at the reclamation of Bali’s Benoa Bay, the construction of a cement plant in the Kendeng Mountains, and this Jakarta reclamation. At present the community is smart enough and can choose which ones will sacrifice the people and who fight for the interests of the people.


*) Student at University of Indonesia

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