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Radicalism: Incredible Toxic for Youth’s Mindset


By: Moh. Ikhsan) *

The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) had previously approached and monitored dozens of preachers who had the potential to spread radicalism. This approach and supervision was carried out after the Islamic Boarding Schools and Community Development Association (P3M) found that 41 mosques in government and ministry offices were exposed to radicalism.

Following up on this, the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) also made the issue of radicalism the focus of the government. This is because one of the visions of the Minister of Religion Lukman Hakim Saifuddin is to overcome radicalism with the principle of religious moderation. The Indonesian nation stood because of the idealism of the youth at that time. For this reason, national insight needs to be reminded and conveyed to all educators and students who will later become sources of information for the surrounding community.

The ideology of Pancasila rejects all notions of radicalism and terrorism. These two ideological ideologies have proven to endanger Indonesia and many other countries. This is because radicalism is a notion that legitimizes rest. Scientifically it is usually associated with offers – solutions that are fundamental in improving society. In fact, socially and politically the notion of radicalism actually traps the community into the behavior of being able to be loyal to fellow human beings. Terrorism is synonymous with crime of destruction of facilities which results in widespread fear and leads to or results in the killing of humans.

Targets that become the object of terrorism attacks are such facilities that are considered to belong to the opponent of the group, such as symbols of the state that are considered enemies. For example, America and Israel in various parts of the world. But the fact is, most victims of terrorism are actually civilians who are more Muslim. While the followers of terrorism consider and call themselves separatists, liberation fighters, mujahideen and others, who seem to reflect that their actions are the right actions to fight in the path of their Lord. The well-known organization is considered a terrorist namely Al-Qaeda, led by Osamah bin Laden

The emergence of the radicalism movement is a reaction carried out due to the enactment of global policies of the United States and other western countries, especially the existence of a Jewish state called Israel. Actually the people and groups of terrorists want to reject this with the aim of jihad in the way of Allah, but the way they do jihad is detrimental to many people who are not their target, so this will greatly damage the various structures of life both in the economic, social, politics, state or religion. Ideology plays a very important role for state power. The founders of the nation and state through deliberation to reach consensus reached a noble agreement about the Pancasila as the basis of the country. This very large and diverse nation has the right and need for a strong integrative umbrella with norms that can support a great civilization.

From this description it is clearly stated that radicalism is a serious threat, here is the danger of radicalism that we need to know. Radicalism ignores the most important message of religions that teach nobility and harmony. In Islam, this principle is known as rahmatan lil ‘alamin. Humans always crave security, safety and peace. Islam is revealed as the grace of all nature. The notion of radicalism also threatens the unity of fellow citizens. It even damages the unity of fellow religious people. This terrorism movement teaches someone to act violently, as if they are not human beings who have a heart. They without seeing immediately destroy it.

On the other hand, radicalism also causes suffering for innocent humans. Some are permanently disabled and suffer from prolonged trauma caused by irresponsible offenders. In this case, many of the targets that occurred were wrong, resulting in the loss of many lives that were not the target of the attack. Islam forbids its people to commit violence, in fact radicalism understands a culture of violence. Even though in Islamic teachings, violence alone is strictly prohibited. The Prophet Muhammad said: “Whosoever points to his brother with a sharp object, then indeed the angels cursed him until he released him, even though his brother and his brother were a thousand.

As has been mentioned before, that radicalism provides a trap for the perpetrators into narrow thinking in religion, so that they have an excessive attitude in religion. The existence of radicalism movements will certainly destroy the nationalism of the nation. They attack the people themselves, who are themselves brothers. This clearly will lead to divisions that will further destroy nationalism

Radicalism is a poison for the minds of the nation’s children. Those who are staying – are still the next generation that should be given a good example of mutual harmony and mutual cooperation rather than attacking which results in loss and destruction. Radicals use the understanding of absolutism in Islam so that they act without thinking of other things that are actually also important and have a strong influence in Islam such as cultural considerations and historical historical values ​​of society.

The terrorist followers usually carry out a brainwashing process where it is intended that they no longer recognize the culture of difference and tolerance. Most terrorists are barren people from the wisdom of religious experience. The most dangerous doctrine in the notion of radicalism is the doctrine of isthishad or suicide bombings. This suicide bombing is considered a martyrdom operation where people who commit it will die martyrdom and go straight to heaven embraced by the angels of heaven. Though suicide is clearly not a paradise of return but hell. Suicide bombings are the adoption of spiritual Shi’a ideology which means redeeming heaven by sacrificing themselves in an assassination operation.

) * The author is a Student of Syarif Hidayatullah UIN Jakarta

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