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Dive into the Meanings of Sky Toll That Was Laughed at


By: Rivka Mayangsari *

Ma’ruf Amin’s appearance with confidence in the Cawapres Debate event a few days ago, received high appreciation from the direct mentor even though it was warganet. The candidate for Vice President of Jokowi’s assistant had a chance to say something that had invited the audience to laugh. According to him, the Joko Widodo Government not only succeeded in building land, sea and air infrastructure, but also sky infrastructure.

“Our government can now build infrastructure, both marine infrastructure, air infrastructure and sky infrastructure,” said Ma’ruf Amin during a debate session against Sandiaga Uno.

The statement was able to stop the laughter of the public at once, after the former Rais Aam of the Nahdlatul Executive Board (PBNU) further explained the meaning of the term in question. The sky infrastructure refers to the Palapa Ring National optical and network development project.

“Sky infrastructure is through Palapa Ring regarding digital infrastructure, so now businesses are growing, such as start ups, even Unicorns, even the possibility of decacorns coming soon,” he explained.

But apparently, not this time the charismatic Kiai mentioned the term sky infrastructure. Because previously the vice presidential candidate number 01 used the term ‘sky toll’.

According to him, the presence of sky infrastructure can improve the quality of labor in Indonesia. As well as provisions for the younger generation to face the future.

“We should be grateful that the unemployment rate has been very low. We also encourage our workforce to be able to master technology, especially digital-based, “said Kiai Ma’ruf.
Rudi Antara as the Minister of Communication and Information, said that the term represented all government facilities like the internet.

He also added that the use of the sky toll word is actually adapted to the communication style of Ma’ruf Amin, who often uses the ‘market’ language style that is easy to understand and light.

“Remember when Maufuf made the fatwa of the MUI, how Muslims should use social media, it is too long, even after being named Muamalah Medsosiyah, it is easy to remember,” said Rudiantara.

In the Cawapres debate against Sandiaga, Ma’ruf Amin stated that he and Jokowi would continue to strive to grow the digital business in the country so that the unemployment rate in the country could continue to be suppressed.

Vice President number 01 even stated that until the next 2024, it could grow 3,500 startup companies.

Ma’ruf Amin said that this effort would most likely be easier to do. Moreover, the Jokowi government which has been running for four years has built a sky or digital infrastructure that can provide many benefits to support the digital economy.

This certainly cannot be separated from the role of Communication and Information Technology under the Jokowi government, in order to improve the quality of the internet in all regions, Kominfo is building a national fiber optic network that will reach as many as 34 provinces, 440 cities / districts throughout Indonesia. With a total length of sea cable reaching 35,280 kilometers, and cable on land is as far as 21,807 kilometers.

This project will later integrate the existing network, with a new network in the eastern part of Indonesia (East Palapa Ring). Meanwhile, the East Palapa Ring will be built along 4,450 kilometers.

The term Toll Heaven has indeed been laughed at, but it turns out there is a reason behind the use of this term. Minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara once said, “Overall it might be called” Toll Heaven “so it is easy. Because there is no physical right. For land tolls, there are physical toll roads. “

Sky toll technology or sky infrastructure is real but physically invisible or invisible. The various terms in the global context include space – based internet or internet space. Even in the broader context of space communication technology, there is also the term deep space internet or interplanetary internet along with a mission to space that requires more efficient data transmission.

Well, sky toll or sky infrastructure launched by Vice President Ma’ruf Amin is a similar technology that is transmitted through fiber optic cable infrastructure with submarine cables.
The existence of the sky infrastructure toll road makes Indonesia now has its own internet backbone that will provide quick access to various needs, both professional, industrial and personal.

*) Social and Political Observer

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