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Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – 1.996 poor citizens of Kotawaringin Barat Regency got prosperity help from World Bank. World Bank through United Nation World Human Facility…
KNPB : Indonesia Must “Open Door” for Journalits in Papua
The issue of Papuan independence remains being lifted up by various groups that have for long wanted Papua separated from Indonesia. The issues raised are classic such as human rights…
Kalteng’s Harbor alert for synthetic rice
Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – Hot issue about synthetic rice from Tiongkok, china which has been imported on Indonesia, it made citizen of this country fidgety. Moreover, the…
于5月20日,全球最大迪士尼旗舰店开业 。该迪士尼商店占地面积约5000平方米,位于上海浦东陆家嘴金融区域,由零售区和迪士尼主题户外广场组成。迪士尼商店是专门销售迪士尼各类产品的全球专卖店连锁,很多商品都是专供,店外无法购得。国泰君安预计,陆家嘴旗舰店的开业将吸引市场的极大关注。…
这座125层建筑坐落在上海市陆家嘴金融区的中心地段。这里是上海证券交易所 (Shanghai…
Social Ministry Allocates Rp2.3bn for Rohingya Migrants
Social Affairs Ministry announced that it would prepare Rp2.3 billion to help around 1,759 Rohingya and Bangladeshi refugees who are now being accommodated in four regencies in Aceh…
Jakarta Police Nab 34 Chinese Nationals over Alleged Cyber Crimes
The Jakarta police have arrested a number of Chinese nationals allegedly implicated in online fraud.
Criminal Director of the Jakarta Police Comr. Sr. Krisna Murti said that arrest of those…
Newmont`s Contract Amendment Postponed
Newmont’s contract amendment signing by the end of this month might have to be postponed following recent appointment of new officials at the Mineral and Coal Directorate General of the…
Indonesia-Malaysia Meeting Related on AEC 2015 Preparation
By : Agus *)
Indonesian and Malaysian counselors have met to discuss the fourth Malindo international counseling seminar and workshop in Bali to help prepare the human resources of both…