RAP 1123 posts 0 comments
By: Zakaria) *
Indonesia has long been a customer of terrorism. Various acts of terror that occurred in Indonesia are mostly based on deep-rooted radical!-->!-->!-->…
Indonesia Optimistic Past the Corona Recession
By: Dodik Prasetyo ) *
Pandemic due to covid-19 virus is still affecting Indonesia. So people are required to stay home and choose to hold back and only shop for!-->!-->!-->…
The National Strategic Project for Indonesia’s Economic Drivers
By: Alfisyah Kumalasari ) *
The Covid-19 pandemic caused many projects to be terminated because they followed the stay at!-->!-->!-->…
New habits apply health protocols to prevent transmission of Covid-19
By: Edi Jatmiko ) *
Covid-19 virus can indeed be spread when there are people who contact with other people who are apparently affected!-->!-->!-->…
Be Wary of Spread of Radical Understanding in Various Fields
By: Zakaria) *
Radicalism is an attitude that wants total change and is revolutionary by overturning existing values drastically through violence and extreme actions. The!-->!-->!-->…
New Normal Indonesian Economic Recovery Solution
By: Deka Prawira ) *
It must be recognized that the PSBB policy and appeals for Work From Home do indeed have a significant impact on many of its main economic!-->!-->!-->…
Earning Current Covid-19 Pandemic
By: Alfisyah Kumalasari ) *
The co-19 pandemic is not yet declared to be over, several regions in Indonesia show positive rates of the 19th sloping and more and more are!-->!-->!-->…
Vulnerable Young People Become Targets of Radical Understanding
By: Dodik Prasetyo ) *
The spread of radicalism is now increasingly massive by utilizing the sophistication of information technology, so that it can!-->!-->!-->…
The Community Must Be Disciplined Health Protocols To Enter New Normal
By: Raavi Ramadhan) *
At present the term normal is being discussed by many people. This situation arises because the Covid-19 pandemic has not!-->!-->!-->…
Travelers are advised to delay returning to Jakarta
By: Reza Rahman) *
Going back home is already forbidden but there are still people who do it clandestinely. Now the travelers want to go back to the city because they have to!-->!-->!-->…