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Vulnerable Young People Become Targets of Radical Understanding


By: Dodik Prasetyo ) *

The spread of radicalism is now increasingly massive by utilizing the sophistication of information technology, so that it can target the younger generation. All parties are expected to be able to work together and not be careless in anticipating the spread of radicalism among these millennials .

Spokesperson for the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Wawan Hari Putranto said the younger generation tended to be less alert to the content of information that spread on social media.

              The threat of radicalism being influenced by patterns such as ISIS is certainly a wake up call to prevent the spread of radicalism early on.

              Social media such as telegram, Facebook and Twitter are used by radical groups or terrorists to spread their ideology. Usually they start by making a narration of unrest towards the government.

              Young people who are entering the phase of self-discovery are likely to be easily immersed in narratives that lead to doctrines that undermine national values. Like considering the Pancasila as a tagging, inviting to hate democracy and the worst to recruit them to fight on the grounds of jihad.

              In fact, the pattern of using social media by radical groups is not only done in Indonesia. So don’t be surprised if we find ISIS members with faces from various regions.

The emergence of the radicalism movement is a reaction carried out due to the enactment of global policies of America and other western countries, especially the existence of a Jewish state called Israel. Actually, the groups and groups of terrorists want to reject this existence with the aim to strive in the way of Allah, but the way they carry out jihad is detrimental to many people who are not their target, so this will greatly damage the various order of life both in the economic, social, politics, state or religion.

              In 2017, it was recorded that ISIS had made 60 Indonesian telegraph channels and more than 30 Indonesian language discussion forums were created by ISIS groups in Indonesia. The number of news or violence messages distributed in a day ranges from 80 to 150 messages.

              Do not be surprised if it turns out that young people who are exposed to radical content are involved in actions such as suicide bombings, to acts of terror injuring the police.

Radicals use the understanding of absolutism in Islam so that in acting they do not think about other things that are actually also important and have a strong influence in Islam such as cultural considerations and historical values ​​of society.

The most dangerous doctrine in the understanding of radicalism is the doctrine of Istisyhad or suicide bombings. This suicide bombing is considered a martyrdom operation in which the person who commits it will die martyrs and immediately enter heaven embraced by heavenly angels. Though suicide is clearly not heaven in return but hell. Suicide bombing is the adoption of the Shi’ite bathiniyah understanding which means to redeem heaven by sacrificing themselves in a murder operation.

              Earlier, the director of the Wahid Institute Yenny Wahid revealed the results of a survey that showed that around 58 percent of Rohis members in schools wanted to jihad in Syria. The children targeted in this survey are not random children. But they are the smartest children in their school.

              This is clearly an alarm for all parties to always protect young people from the influence of an invitation to radicalism. “Of course we cannot judge, not all spiritual children want to wage jihad in Syria.

              Yenny said, if there were schools that were indicated to be a medium for spreading radical ideas, the government must immediately step in to prevent them. One way is to approach persuasive and promote dialogue with school administrators.

              He also wants the curriculum in schools to focus on teaching diversity values. In addition, the teacher must also be active in teaching love of the motherland and respect for diversity. So they will understand the importance of tolerance since killing.

On the other hand radicalism also results in suffering for innocent people. Some are permanently disabled and suffer prolonged trauma caused by irresponsible perpetrators. In that case there were actually many wrong targets that occurred so as to eliminate many lives that were not the targets of the attack.

              Radicalism cannot be tolerated, those who have been exposed to it take months to continue to undergo de-radicalization. Of course this treatment is not cheap.

) * The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI)

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