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4 areas in Central Kalimantan Province are the most dangerous of Forest Fire
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – In the last of 2015, Central Kalimantan Province had forest fire and land. Since that disaster, government through Agency for Disaster and Fire Agency (BPBPK),…
福特汽车任命Key Safety首席执行长为中国业务负责人
福特汽车公司(Ford Motor Co., F)挖角了汽车安全部件生产商Key Safety Systems Inc.的首席执行长,该生产商正在收购深陷安全气囊丑闻的日本高田公司(Takata Corp.)。
Key Safety首席执行长Jason Luo将加入福特汽车,负责该公司在中国地区的业务,包括其近期宣布成立的电动车合资公司。…
Village Counselors, Optimalization Of Village Development
By: Mirwan Achmad)*
The Jokowi-JK Government has a priority agenda that is "Building Indonesia from the Suburbs by Strengthening the Regions and Villages in the Framework of the Unitary…
Polemic of Online Transportation
By: Mirwan Achmad)*
Transportation is an area of activity that is very important in the life of Indonesian society. Recognizing the important role of transportation, traffic and road…
中国国资委周一傍晚宣布,经报国务院批准,中国轻工集团公司(Sinolight Corp)和中国工艺(集团)公司(China National Arts & Crafts (Group) Corp)整体并入中国保利集团公司(China Poly Group Corp),成为其全资子企业。…
Marina Port in Benoa to be built in September, The marina port development project in the Port of Benoa, Bali, will start on September 18, 2017, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan noted.…
Work Hard Build Papua
By: Sandy Arifin)*
The social imbalance and inequality of development felt by the Papuan community, resulted in the formation of opposition groups that metamorphosed into the seeds of…
Aiming Economic Growth at 5.4% in 2018, Can Indonesia?
By: Moch. Irfandi)*
The government, through a state address delivered by President Joko Widodo related to the Draft State Budget of 2018, government economic securities grew 5.4% next year.…
身为澳大利亚国民银行(National Australia Bank)的中国区总经理,他每个月都要在中国乘坐飞机出差好几次。由于中国民航系统的准点率极低,安思崇不得不熟练掌握各种应急计划:选择准点率相对较高的航空公司,并在航班延误较为频繁的时期改用高铁出行。…
Marine Tolls for Accelerating the Improvement of Indonesia’s People Welfare
By: Moch. Irfandi)*
President Jokowi's Sea Toll Program cuts price disparities in the West and East, while accelerating the development of the eastern and outer islands.
The sea toll…