Browsing Category
Railway In South Sulawesi Ready To Built
By: Saiful*)
Makassar - The government has agreed to build railway tracks in South Sulawesi province, based on the outcome of the meeting I attended in Jakarta, the overall allocations…
Konawe Indusrial Zone Is Ready To Built
By: Saiful*)
Kendari - In 2015, the Indonesian government will build 13 Industrial Area, including the Konawe Industrial Zone (KIK) with an area of about 5.500 hectares, which is…
Polemic: Railway of Kalteng
By: Fuad *)
The making railway in Kalimantan Tengah (Kalteng) Province gets many protests. A number of action, such as from activist, environment expert, also student of university.…
RB Entrepreneur Didn’t Agree To Prohibition Of RB
By: Saiful*)
MAMUJU - Department of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and SMEs (Disperiindagkop) West Sulawesi Province, claimed that they not yet know and accept the regulations Ministry of…
Seruyan Government will develop 500 Ha coffee
By : Fuad *)
Kalimantan Tengah – Coffee is one of commodity in Indonesia. Many provinces develop coffee as commodity. It can be one of region own source.
The government of Seruyan begins…
Rombengan: Illegal Goods, Trade Free
By: Saiful*)
Kendari – Used Cloth (Rombengan/RB) trader by citizens of Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi, always in demand by consumers of economic communities from low to high, although…
USA Ambassador: USD 500 Million for Climate Change
By : Fuad *)
CIDISS – climate change is one of the serious problem in the world. It starts from cutting the forest and others. The climate has changed. The world pays big attention to…
Distribution of 10% Participation Interest On Natural Gas Source Masela: Rights or Liabilities?
By : Maya *)
District of Southwest Maluku (Maluku Barat Daya/MBD), Maluku Province is a young district that has not been much to get development, both the Central Government and…
UMKM As Indonesian Economic Strength
By : Saiful*)
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) Manado, North Sulawesi, in January-February 2015 absorb 46.650 labors. Micro businesses absorbed as much as 22.005 labors, small…
Wallet Nest Retribution
By: Fuad *)
Pulang Pisau, Kalimantan Tengah, CIDISS – The region own source is the most important thing to lean the development of the area. It use for build the public facility, like…