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Netizen Must Unite Against the Hoax To Make a 2019 Peaceful and Dignified Election
By: Muhammad Rianto) *
Lately there has been a lot of fake information and news appearing or better known as hoaks in cyberspace that is raised by a number of irresponsible individuals!-->!-->!-->…
Millennial Must Fight the Hoax for the Dignity of Indonesian Leadership
By: Tia Mutia) *
Millennial youth is the most important element that must take part in counteracting various hoaxes or hoaxes that are rampant in cyberspace. This is because millennial!-->!-->!-->…
Millennial Netizens is the Key of Success in 2019 Elections via Social Media
By: Sindi Lestari) *
At present we have entered a very modern era where digital technology has played a large role in the progress of civilization in Indonesia. The development of this!-->!-->!-->…
Netizen Stand Together Against Hoax to Succeed The Election and National Sustainability
By: Faiz Kurnia) *
According to the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) in 2018, the number of millennial generations in Indonesia is 90 million people or as many as 34.45!-->!-->!-->…
The Hoax Ghost Who Continues to Shadow Peaceful Elections
By: Haris Abdullah *
On social media a person can transform 100% of his attitude from a quiet, gentle figure in the real world to being a fierce and aggressive figure on social media. It!-->!-->!-->…
Beware of Hoax Packaging of Jokowi – Ma’ruf Picture Condoms
By: Hendrik Yahya Pratama *
The Indonesian people incessantly accept various kinds of deceptions, accept the contest of democracy. Later Warganet was stirred with a viral photo in the!-->!-->!-->…
Jokowi Authoritarian, Who Said?
By: Ananda Rasti *
Prabowo - Sandiaga BPN Steering Board, Amien Rais considers
the Joko Widodo Government an authoritarian regime. According to Amien, the
principle of democracy!-->!-->!-->…
Beware of Potential Riots in Election Vote Calculation
By: Adi Ginanjar *
Elections are a party of democracy which has always been the
spotlight of many parties, cheating and irregularities are their own threats in
every election!-->!-->!-->…
Simakrama Helps Prevent Campaign Violations
By: Dodik Prasetyo *
The Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) of Bali reminded political parties and legislative candidates (candidates) to be careful when making a visit to the temple.!-->…
Declaration of Support by Kiai and Santri Pangandaran
By: Aam Abdurahman *
The masses of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in Pangandaran Regency declared support for the couple Joko Widodo - Ma'ruf Amin in the 2019 Presidential Election. The!-->!-->!-->…