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Black Campaign

CIDISS. Although it is not a legal way to get community support, a black campaign is an integral part of the elections. This leads to every democratic party event aka black campaign tones…

Key For Peacefull Election

CIDISS. In the coming months, as many as 171 districts will be holding concurrent regional head elections. The readiness of the organizers is also an important key, so that the unwanted…

Beware Black Campaign !!

CIDISS. In reaching the public's sympathy, many ways are used by the participants of election of regional head, whether legal or not. Although the illegal way is known to all parties not to…

Toward 2018 Democracy Party

CIDISS. A total of 171 districts will hold a democracy celebration in 2018. As one of the political party moments, PIlkada 2018 is the most awaited moment not only from the candidates of the…

Beware Black Campaign

CIDISS. The concurrent elections to be held this year are expected to be carried out safely and peacefully. To that end, all stakeholders are required to keep the unity and unity of the…

Winning Election 2018

CIDISS. Direct and simultaneous elections are part of an effort to strengthen electoral democracy in the construction of an Indonesian state of law pursued by all elements of the post-New…


人民网雅加达1月4日电(记者席来旺)1月3日,根据2017年5月19日佐科总统签署的2017年第53号总统令,印尼政府宣布成立新的“国家网络安全局”(the National Cyber and Encryption Agency,简称BSSN),以对付网上的宗教极端主义和假新闻。 印尼总统佐科当天在总统府宣布,委任国家保密局前局长佐科·塞蒂亚迪(Djoko…