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Be aware of the Terrorism and Radicalism Movement
By: Endah Ismai) *
Terror explosions can arise at any time, even the threat of terror also arises from the actions of someone who is determined to break through the security forces of!-->!-->!-->…
Beware of the Potential of the Radical Movement Ahead of the Inauguration of the President and Vice…
Muhammad Zaki )*
the day of the inauguration which only had to count these fingers, calls for
awareness of the radicalism movement continued to arrive. Because, these days!-->!-->!-->…
Making Intolerance and Radicalism a Common Enemy
Johannes Dharmana Oetoro )*
is the initial ladder towards radical attitudes and acts of terror, so that
being intolerant, radical and terror attitudes as common enemies!-->!-->!-->…
Be Aware of Terrorists Await President’s Inauguration
Tri Wulandari )*
terror attack on the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security, Wiranto
last week, is a strong signal that the terror group is still actively
Efforts to Counter Radicalism on Campus
By: Ilham
Ramadhan )*
radicalism is the main trigger for extreme actions, including anarchism. Along
with the development, this movement is suspected of enlarging the younger!-->!-->!-->…
Be Wary of the Threat of Radicalism on Campus
By: Ahmad Kurniawan )*
Radicalism is a plague to watch out for because it can bring destruction
to the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. The target is also
targeting the!-->!-->!-->…
Beware of Radicalism Virus Exposes KPK
By: Ahmad Hilmi) *
Radicalism in Indonesia is a common enemy that can hamper the nation's development, one of the country's parasites is arguably a very neat and organized state system.!-->!-->!-->…
Identical Monotheism Parade of the Political Movement
By: Muhammad Zaki) *
Group 212 returned to mobilize the masses. For coercive reasons, this group held a monotheism parade to gather the masses. The event was packed with religious!-->!-->!-->…
Beware of Radicalism Becomes State’s Main Threat
Alfisyah Kumalasari )*
gold shop robber in Magetan failed to rob Rp 10,000,000 worth of jewelry and
money on August 24, 2019. The robber named Yunus Trianto (YT / 41 years old)!-->!-->!-->…
The Role of Young People Rejecting the Concept of NKRI Sharia
By Muhammad Ridwan Syahputra
IJTIMA Ulama 4 produced the concept of NKRI Sharia, the concept is clearly not necessary, because Indonesia already has the Pancasila ideology. So that other!-->!-->!-->…