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Community Rejects FPI Provocation
By: Firza Ahmad) *
FPI's provocation was increasingly unsettling, so that the community rejected it outright. The mass organization could not do this by pretending that it was!-->!-->!-->…
The Community Appreciates Social Assistance for People Affected by Covid-19
By: Edi Jatmiko ) *
The government continues to anticipate socio-economic problems as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic . One such effort is the!-->!-->!-->…
Separatist Actions Obstruct Progress in Papua and West Papua
By: Alfons Jigibalom
Conflict Resolution Expert at Parahyangan University, Bandung, I Nyoman Sudira in response to the dynamics in Papua, considers that separatist groups have!-->!-->!-->…
Supporting the Continuation of the Realization of Papua’s Special Autonomy
By: Daniel Alfred Pagawak ) *
Since 2002 the Provinces of Papua and West Papua have received special autonomy funds to date reaching Rp. 126.99 trillion. Because the DAU also!-->!-->!-->…
The public is urged to be aware of the new covid-19 mutation variant
By: Raavi Ramadhan) *
The new variant of the Covid-19 mutation that was first discovered in the UK has now entered Australia. The government has also taken a number of preventive!-->!-->!-->…
Covid Detection Equipment-19 GeNose New Hope in the Midst of Pandemic
By: Linggar Binangkit ) *
Experts from UGM found a new tool to detect the covid-19 virus, which is named GeNose . If it is mass produced, it will be easier!-->!-->!-->…
Society Must Discipline Health Protocol in Long Holiday Season
By: Dodik Prasetyo) *
The long season at the end of the year is usually used by people to stay in touch and have a vacation in tourist areas. However, the public must adhere to!-->!-->!-->…
Community Supports Security Apparatus to Maintain Peace in Papua
By: Rebecca Marian) *
Papua is a beautiful and proud region in Indonesia, because of its exotic forests and sea. Unfortunately, the natural harmony there cannot impress the!-->!-->!-->…
Sinovac Vaccine Tested Effective and Safe
By: Dodik Prasetyo ) *
The good news comes from the Covid-19 vaccine, where the vaccine produced by Sinovac Bontech Ltd, Coronavac, has been proven effective in its final!-->!-->!-->…
Society Needs Prokes Discipline, Covid-19 Is Still Ferocious
By: Danila Kusumawardhani ) *
The increasing number of corona patients requires the public to be even more disciplined in maintaining health and hygiene. Especially now that many!-->!-->!-->…