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New habits apply health protocols to prevent transmission of Covid-19
By: Edi Jatmiko ) *
Covid-19 virus can indeed be spread when there are people who contact with other people who are apparently affected!-->!-->!-->…
New Normal Indonesian Economic Recovery Solution
By: Deka Prawira ) *
It must be recognized that the PSBB policy and appeals for Work From Home do indeed have a significant impact on many of its main economic!-->!-->!-->…
Government Social Aid Provides Benefits for Communities Affected by Covid-19
By: Syafruddin )*
Social Assistance (Bansos) is given by the government to the people who need it. In the Covid-19 pandemic, indeed more and more unemployed, they lost their jobs due to!-->!-->!-->…
New Normal Must Be Accompanied By Public Discipline Comply With Health Protocol
By: Raditya Rahman )*
The new normal scenario is being announced by the government. Later slowly everyone can leave the house and no longer have to hide to avoid Corona. However this has!-->!-->!-->…
The Community Must Be Disciplined Health Protocols To Enter New Normal
By: Raavi Ramadhan) *
At present the term normal is being discussed by many people. This situation arises because the Covid-19 pandemic has not!-->!-->!-->…
Travelers are advised to delay returning to Jakarta
By: Reza Rahman) *
Going back home is already forbidden but there are still people who do it clandestinely. Now the travelers want to go back to the city because they have to!-->!-->!-->…
By: Rashka Pratama )*
In the development of the Covid - 19 case some time back, the thought arose that it seemed necessary to be more realistic and reconcile, with Corona in the new!-->!-->!-->…
By: Rashka Pratama )*
I don't want to be polemic about what is the meaning of new normal or make peace with Corona in the context of life for workers like me in the informal sector. In!-->!-->!-->…
By: Rashka Pratama )*
For around 3 months Indonesia has been hit by the Covid-19 virus, which has disrupted economic activity. That is because the virus has a risk of transmission that!-->!-->!-->…
Supports Tightening of Health Protocols to Prevent Covid-19 Transmission
By: Edi Jatmiko )*
The persistence of the Covid-19 virus has made the government issue several strategies to deal with it. Among other things by appealing to all levels of society to!-->!-->!-->…