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Terrorist Actions by OPM Are a Real Threat to Hamper Development Process in Papua
By: Jerome Maruna Kogoya )*
Terrorist actions by the Free Papua Movement (OPM) are a very real threat, especially in the process of accelerating development in Papua. The reason is,!-->!-->!-->…
Government Committed to Erasing Disparities by Advancing Papua as an Integral Part of the Republic…
By: Devaryo Valarie )*
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) is strongly committed to erasing disparities throughout the country, one of its efforts is by accelerating!-->!-->!-->…
Government Continues to Implement Better Bureaucratic Reform Through Job Creation Law
By: Gita Oktaviani )*
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) continues to strive for the realization of much better bureaucratic reform in the country. This can be achieved!-->!-->!-->…
Chinese President Xi Jinping Opens The Longest Bridge In The World For 55 KM
Cidiss. Chinese President Xi Jinping Inaugurates Gao Xinling Bridge, This bridge will cost up to Rp303.8 trillion in project funds, this will automatically become the latest landmark and…
Miangas Airport, the New Hope of Border People in the North of Indonesia
CIDISS - Indonesia is an archipelago country. And then, air and sea transportation is needed to connect Indonesian territory. The existence of Air Transportation is required for the…
CREATING DIVERSITY THROUGH RECreating Diversity Through Regulation Of Society OrganizationGULATION…
By: Marwan Achmad)*
Diversity in Indonesia is an undeniable necessity. The motto in the ideology of the Indonesian nation also affirms the condition, namely Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which means…
要形容这些机器的巨大不是件易事。在我眼前,这些巨型结构的后方就是灰蓝色的天空;我们所在的船此时在距离利物浦四英里(七公里)之外的海域,船身轻盈地上下起伏于汪洋之中。此时,我们已经抵达 Burbo Bank Extension 风电场,一睹这一建筑奇观:世界最大风力发电机组。…
Two of BUMD in Kotawaringin Barat got TOP BUMD appreciation
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – Regional-owned Enterprises is a corporation which runs many enterprises owned by regional government. One of the functions is in the economic value and local…