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Adjustment of BPJS Contributions to Achieve Collective Goodness


By: Zakaria) *

The government made adjustments to BPJS fees in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic . A few people also criticized the move because it was considered not populist . In fact, this adjustment is an attempt by the government to realize the common good and provide access to more equitable health services.

Donny Gahral Adian as the Main Expert Staff to the Presidential Staff Office revealed that the policy to increase BPJS contributions (the Social Security Administering Body) for Health has been through careful consideration by calculating the state’s financial condition and the current situation of Covid-19 .

              Of course we cannot immediately accuse the government of not taking sides with the people, on the one hand the government continues to pay attention to the lower classes of society to be able to obtain maximum health services. On the other hand, the government must also consider the fate of the sustainability of the BPJS Health itself.

              Therefore, for the initial stage as of next July, the government will only raise fees for independent class I and II participants. This decision was taken because the government assumed that the people who had taken classes 1 and 2 from the beginning indicated that they were able to pay the bills.

              Whereas the contribution for class III independent participants is planned to be increased in 2021. Even though this increase will not be applied significantly because the government still provides subsidies.

              At present, class III independent participant contributions of IDR 42,000 per month have received a government subsidy of IDR 16,500 per person per month , so for class III independent participant contributions participants only need to pay IDR 26,500.

              While for class I participants are required to pay Rp. 150,000 per person per month from Rp. 80,000 per person per month. Then, for class II participants the tuition fees went up from Rp 51,000 to Rp 100,000.

              Donny said, this decision was taken with the principle of justice, where those who were able to pay a slightly higher fee. While those who are unable to remain assisted.

              On a different occasion , the Head of Public Relations BPJS Health M Iqbal Anas Ma’ruf explained, the issuance of Perpres No. 64 of 2020 which regulates the adjustment of the contribution rates of participants in the Healthy Indonesia JKN-Card program (JKN-KIS) shows that the government has upheld the Supreme Court’s decision .

              Previously, the government had issued Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 64 of 2020 concerning the second amendment to Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 82 of 2018 concerning Health Insurance. This regulation regulates changes in contribution rates and contribution assistance for independent National Health Insurance (JKN) participants at the Health Insurance Administering Agency (BPJS).

              We also need to know that this new Perpres has also fulfilled the aspirations of the people as conveyed by representatives of the people in the DPR RI, especially from Members of Commission IX, to provide contribution assistance for non-wage worker participants (PBPU) / independent and not class III workers.

              Iqbal said, in principle health services to JKN-KIS participants were not hampered. Especially with regard to the current socioeconomic conditions amid the Covid-19 pandemic .

              He also hopes that participants can continue to contribute, maintaining their active membership status by diligently paying regular contributions every month. This is one form of mutual cooperation, especially when the nation is struggling against Covid-19 .

              Responding to the increase in BPJS fees, the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto explained that the decision was taken in order to maintain the sustainability of BPJS Health operations.

              Despite the increase, he said that the government continues to provide subsidies to BPJS Health. Thus, the agency will have two sources of funding.             

              At present the government has also prepared a plan to issue a presidential regulation whose substance includes regulating the balance and fairness of the contribution rates among the participant segments, the impact on the sustainability of the program and funding patterns, JKN, construction of a healthy health insurance ecosystem , including the role of government (central and regional) .

              The draft presidential regulation has gone through a process of harmonization and will subsequently proceed with the initials of the ministers and submit a signing to the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

              The government’s decision to raise the BPJS must be addressed wisely, however, at this time we are experiencing difficult conditions, the increase in BPJS contributions is not currently aimed at class III, but is aimed at class I and II independent participants who are considered capable.

) * The author is a citizen , living in Tangerang

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