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AGAINST #2019GantiPresiden HASHTAG


CIDISS. Hashtag #2019GantiPresident is increasingly voiced ahead of the Presidential Election or 2019 Presidential Election. After being confirmed as a community movement on May 6, 2018, the use of hashtags increasingly colored the political dynamics in the public space of the country. In the 2018 West Java Regional Election, for example, the Sudrajat-Syaikhu couple carried by Patai Gerindra, PKS, and PAN used the hashtag to help boost electability. Supporters, during the debate at the University of Indonesia Hall, Depok, May 14, 2018, unfurled a shirt that read “2018 Fun to win, 2019 replace president”.

The way “Fun” increases his choice in West Java by way of handing over hashtags is also recognized by his rival, Dedi Mulyadi. Fun timses are called to campaign for hashtags through leaflets, packages, and so on evenly in West Java settlements until Deddy Mizwar-Dedi Mulyadi’s voice is eroded.

Meanwhile, Expert Staff of the Ministry of Home Affairs Government Affairs, Suhajar Diantoro, assessed the emergence of the # 2019 movement. It is not permissible for the President to ethically aim for the campaign.

# 2019GantiPresident is part of the political aspirations of the people mobilized by government opposition political parties. # 2019The President is seen as a consolidation of opposition forces, exclusive to PKS and Gerindra. But, it is not a movement to reach new voters or swing voters which will be the key to winning the 2019 Presidential Election. Swing voters and new voters do not have an attachment to PKS and Gerindra.

Movement # 2019antiPresident should be no longer used by rival political group Joko Widodo. The reason is that the hashtag is not related to the substance of the actual general election, namely fighting for the needs of the people.

By: Mirwan Achmad *)

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