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AMANAH Develops Livestock Program in Aceh to Support Jokowi’s Initiative in Improving Youth Welfare


By: Wahyu Zainal

The Aceh Young Generation Superior Great (AMANAH) continues to innovate in supporting the welfare of Acehnese youth through various economic empowerment programs. One of the latest initiatives is the development of the livestock sector involving local youth. This program aims to enhance the skills and capacities of Acehnese youth in livestock farming, enabling them to become self-sufficient and contribute to the local economy. This effort aligns with President Joko Widodo’s vision, which focuses on improving welfare through people’s economy and empowering youth.

One of AMANAH’s flagship programs is the development of laying duck farming, which is carried out in collaboration with young farmers in Aceh. This program not only provides technical training but also offers a more modern and effective management approach to farming. Students and the manager of the layer duck farm, Lukman Hakim, stated that the initiative from AMANAH provides many benefits for young farmers. This program offers various new facilities, including the latest equipment and technology, which make it easier for farmers to manage their businesses more efficiently.

The training provided by AMANAH includes barn management, animal health maintenance, as well as production and marketing techniques that can help young farmers compete in both local and national markets. Through this training, AMANAH hopes to continue fostering the interest of Acehnese youth in the field of livestock farming so that they can become independent and successful in business within this sector.

In addition to running a development program for laying ducks, AMANAH has also launched an organic laying hen farming program in Aceh in collaboration with Hanasa Farm. This initiative aims to empower young farmers in Aceh to develop their businesses in the livestock sector, particularly for environmentally friendly laying hen products.

A young farmer involved in this program, Muliadi, explained that AMANAH has provided significant support, including assistance in the form of chicken coops, 500 chicks, feed, and medicine. With the facilities and resources provided, young farmers can improve the quality and quantity of their production.

The organic layer chicken farming program aims not only to meet local market demands but also to promote sustainable farming practices. Muliadi hopes that this collaboration will assist young farmers in developing independently in the management of layer chickens, particularly through a healthier and more sustainable organic system.

With the support of AMANAH and Hanasa Farm, it is hoped that young farmers in Aceh will not only be able to produce high-quality eggs but also create new job opportunities and improve the economic welfare of their communities. This initiative reflects AMANAH’s commitment to supporting local economic empowerment and helping the youth of Aceh become self-sufficient in farming endeavors.

The farming program developed by AMANAH is expected to have a significant impact on the local economy. With the development of organic duck and layer chicken farming, the local market’s demand for quality livestock products can be better met. In addition, the young farmers involved in this program will gain broader access to national and international markets, allowing them to increase their income and stabilize the local economy.

The program run by AMANAH is very much in line with President Joko Widodo’s commitment to improving the welfare of Indonesian youth, particularly through the empowerment of local economies. Jokowi has emphasized the importance of youth involvement in strategic sectors such as livestock farming. Through this program, AMANAH not only provides opportunities for young people to thrive in the livestock sector but also paves the way for them to become key players in the sustainable economy in Aceh.

With ongoing support, AMANAH hopes that young farmers in Aceh will become independent, creative, and capable of creating new innovations in the field of livestock farming. Over time, the livestock sector in Aceh is expected to continue to grow and develop, providing broader benefits for the local community. This program is a concrete step by AMANAH in supporting Jokowi’s vision to create prosperity and independence for Indonesian youth, particularly in the livestock sector.

In the future, AMANAH is committed to continuing to develop other economic empowerment programs that involve the youth of Aceh. This farming program is expected to become a model that can be adopted in other regions, considering the vast potential of this sector throughout Indonesia. By continuously involving youth in strategic sectors such as livestock farming, AMANAH is optimistic that the youth of Aceh can become important actors in the economic development of the region and the nation.

In the end, this farming program not only provides short-term benefits in the form of skill enhancement and increased income for young farmers, but it is also expected to create long-term impacts in the form of economic independence and strengthening the livestock sector in Aceh. With support from various parties, AMANAH hopes this program will become one of the initiatives that can revive the local economy and improve the overall welfare of the Acehnese community.

Students of Animal Husbandry at Teuku Umar University

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