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Anticipating Spread of Corona with Physical Distancing


By: Ismail )*

Covid-19 positive victims continue to increase. The increase in positive patients was allegedly due to community non-compliance to maintain distance (physical distancing). The community is asked to be more disciplined in keeping their distance and adopting a healthy lifestyle.

The amount of exposure to the latest Corona virus shows a significant number. Likewise with the number of deaths and healing that seemed to continue working. Many people regret this incident. The application of physical distancing which is widely recommended is actually ignored. Though this recommendation has proven quite effective in suppressing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

You name it, Wuhan, the city where the virus originated, developed something similar, namely physical distancing to lockdown. The result was suspected to be very significant, indicating a reduction. Physical distancing is the application of social distance if you are in a crowd or public space. It’s good when doing this also wears a number of personal protective equipment such as masks. Including applying ethics coughing and sneezing.

The decline in positive numbers due to physical distancing is also recognized by many parties. Because the Corona virus will be difficult to do incubation or mutation. If the specified distance is run, it is quite possible this pandemic will quickly pass. In fact the government has also been aggressively socializing these recommendations. However, its citizens are a bit “crazy”. Even with various reasons, isn’t this problem of life more urgent than others. In fact, there is news that rolling will have to issue a Perppu so that citizens comply with physical distancing.

Not denying, the number of deaths so far is enough to legitimize the government to issue sanctions for violators of the Corona pandemic prevention protocol. The reason is, this condition is considered very urgent, so the government can certainly issue sanctions as a deterrent effect for a number of violators, according to Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu).

In addition, the mechanism of normal regulatory procedures is considered to require a long time. therefore, the government can consider the Perppu as strengthening law enforcement by providing criminal sanctions in the form of fines and or imprisonment for anyone who has violated the co-19 prevention protocol. Including violations of the physical distancing policy. This was also expressed by the Criminal Law Expert Indriyanto Seno Adji Krisnadwipayana University.

According to him, the massive distribution of the co-pandemic-19 pandemic was indeed an emergency and urgent condition. This is reflected in the significant increase of hundreds of positive citizens and those who died from the corona virus.

He added that this could be used as a legal and appropriate basis for the government in issuing the policy. It is in this emergency condition that physical distancing does require legal reinforcement. However, with regard to criminal sanctions it is obligatory to consider the qualifications of the subject or object of the violation. The implication is to suppress the public panic.

He added that the application of the reasons for sanctions requires a Perppu, because besides being straightforward, it would also be more targeted in terms of preventing this pandemic. Nevertheless, it is possible to use sanctions for non-compliance of citizens with law enforcement listed in chapter VIII of the Criminal Code which regulates the chapter on violations of public authorities.

For example, if there is already an appeal to disperse but still persist, then violators may be subject to criminal sanctions. As in Singapore, Italy, Russia and a number of other countries have implemented these criminal sanctions to prevent the massive spread of the pandemic.

This Corona virus does make a lot of people confused. Not only safety, the fact is that these crazy people feel heavy in the economic sector. Therefore, all parties certainly need solutions related to the pandemic. Governments that seek to protect their citizens, as well as the public are able to comply with applicable recommendations, namely the implementation of physical distancing. After all, the developed countries affected by Croona were still able to move the economy by continuing to carry out these physical distancing recommendations.

Thus, of course, citizens must comply. Because, this is so important. It’s not just our lives that are at stake. However, there are also many people. Because exposure to this virus attacks the crowd so quickly. Come on, apply this physical distancing appropriately, so we can all protect each other!

)* Writer Citizen, lives in Jakarta

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