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Appreciate BIN’s Trauma Healing Activities for Cianjur Earthquake Survivors


By: Clara Diah Wulandari )*

The State Intelligence Agency helped the Cianjur earthquake refugees by sending a humanitarian team, complete with 2 trucks filled with logistics, and an ambulance. In addition, BIN also held trauma healing for earthquake survivors, especially children. They will get rid of the trauma even though slowly, and will no longer be afraid when there are aftershocks.

The Cianjur earthquake left grief, when more than 300 people lost their lives. The survivors were forced to flee in tents. They were happy because they received tents from BIN’s Humanitarian Team. Not only providing tents, BIN also provided ready-to-eat food and cash assistance.

The BIN Humanitarian Team also held trauma healing activities for earthquake survivors. This event is in collaboration with YCAB (Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa) and Mojang-Jajaka Cianjur. Trauma healing activities are expected to relieve the trauma of the earthquake evacuees, especially children.

Dozens of children who were victims of the Cianjur earthquake took part in a trauma healing activity at the BIN aid post, on Jalan Lintas Labuan-Cianjur. They laughed heartily after hearing stories from BIN personnel. Apart from storytelling sessions, there are also various games to relieve fear, anxiety and trauma from the children who were victims of the Cianjur earthquake.

Dewi, one of Mojang’s representatives, stated that the method of playing in trauma healing was very good. The reason is because children can release their trauma after playing. Don’t be taken as ‘just’ playing around because it’s actually good for improving their mentality.

By playing, there are several advantages. First, children will get rid of their trauma because they are in a relaxed state. Second, they increase intimacy with fellow earthquake survivors and are able to work together. The cooperation was very good because in the conditions of evacuation, the earthquake survivors had to stick together.

Therefore, the earthquake survivors really appreciated BIN’s steps in holding trauma healing activities. It could be that there were children who felt very depressed after the earthquake because they couldn’t play at their house, because it was destroyed after the earthquake. They can relax and no longer be traumatized even though their property was lost in the earthquake.

Then, there are children whose status is orphans, even orphans. They can be seriously traumatized by prolonged sadness after their parents died. However, after participating in trauma healing activities, they can be sincere and accept this harsh reality. 

Meanwhile, BIN spokesperson Prabawa Ajie stated that apart from fairy tales and games, there was also an invitation to read to children who were victims of the Cianjur earthquake. The participants who can answer questions from the MC will get a special prize in the form of a story book. Children are also invited to fold paper (origami) to practice fine motor skills.

Paper folding is great for preventing anxiety disorders, which can come after major trauma. Therefore, the community appreciates BIN working with a competent party (YPAC) who is already familiar with children and knows how to deal with those who are traumatized and stressed. 

It could be that there are parents who are not stressed but are confused about how to deal with their children who are still traumatized after the earthquake. With trauma healing activities, children can recover from stress and trauma. His parents were happy because they were happy again even though they were still in evacuation.

BIN has also held similar events (trauma healing) and collaborated with mapala (nature-loving students) in Jakarta and West Java. However, this time YPAC was chosen because it targets children, which is the specialty of the foundation. Meanwhile Mojang-Jajaka Cianjur was also involved because they had to be active in humanitarian activities, especially in their own area.

The community really appreciates BIN for holding trauma healing activities. BIN is very aware that the earthquake survivors do not only need assistance in the form of food and medicine. But also mental health services. After there is trauma healing, the earthquake survivors will be mentally healthy and no longer confused or under stress.

If there is no trauma healing, then it is dangerous because mental illness exists, but its form is invisible. Communities in refugee camps focus on providing physical assistance and it could be that some people forget the importance of mental health. 

When there is an earthquake survivor who is under a lot of stress, he can get depressed and if not handled properly, he can become a madman. Don’t let this bad thing happen because it will make your family suffer even more. Therefore, BIN realizes that mental health is also prioritized besides physical health, and has organized trauma healing activities.

The trauma healing services provided by BIN and YPAC were highly appreciated by the people of Cianjur. They can release their stress and trauma even though they experience a great mental shock, after the earthquake in their area. With trauma healing, residents can smile again. The earthquake survivors were also happy after participating in the trauma healing activities.

)* The author is a contributor to Nusantara Reading Room 

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