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Appreciate HR Development in IKN


By: Lukman Keenan Adar )*

Development of the National Capital City (IKN) is a big project that requires not only infrastructure development but also the development of Human Resources (HR) so that in the future the residents living in the IKN have work skills to support the progress of the IKN.

It was recorded that 144 residents of the Kecamatan in Sepaku, North Penajam Paser received competency-based work skills development training in line with the development of the Nusantara IKN.

            The training is intended to prepare and build local human resources, so they can welcome work opportunities at IKN Nusantara.

            (Plt) Regent of PPU Hamdam Pongrewa said that the competency-based training was an opportunity for local human resources to improve competency in preparing themselves to compete in the world of work at IKN Nusantara.

            Hamdam explained that the development of potential and competence as capital and readiness of local communities is very much needed, because there are large job opportunities and lots of job competition with the increasing number of migrants.

            He said that the PPU community must be able to seize job opportunities with the existence of IKN Nusantara. Hamdam did not want PPU residents to become spectators in their own homes.

            The training initiated by the Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker) is phase 2 training, while phase 1 training was held from 4 to 27 July 2022.

            The training provided includes, among others, painting, barista, cake and bread making, hydroponics, screen printing or digital printing, making batik for scraper machine operators (excavators) and dump truck operators.

            He also hopes that the people who live in the area nicknamed “Benuo Taka” will also prepare themselves to develop regional potential for the buffer zone for the new national capital.

            Hamdam also explained that regional potentials that could support Nusantara’s IKN included the agricultural sector, capture fisheries and aquaculture, as well as many other potentials.

            North Penajam Paser Regency (PPU) has a great opportunity to meet the food needs of the Indonesian capital city, this is because PPU’s location is close to IKN Nusantara.

            Previously, the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) had provided Prepared Work Platforms, where the program aimed to absorb local workers for the construction of the new Indonesian National Capital City (IKN) named Nusantara in parts of North Penajam Paser Regency and parts of Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province.

            Caswiyono Rusydie as Special Staff to the Minister of Manpower in his press statement said that the SIAPwork Pavilion is a support from the Ministry of Manpower to the North Penajam Paser Regency Government which is the point of development of the new Indonesian IKN.

            SIAPJerja Pavilions provide employment services for the community that integrates all services in one complete employment ecosystem, starting from training, certification and placement.

            It is hoped that the provision of the READY-Work platform in North Penajam Paser Regency will be a solution to employment problems in East Kalimantan, especially in areas that are the center points for the development of new Indonesian IKNs.

            The SIAPJerk pavilion is not only aimed at job seekers in industry and companies, but also for people who wish to become entrepreneurs and self-employed by increasing competence in certain fields.

            The government through the Ministry of Manpower also facilitates various trainings for the community by involving the Vocational and Productivity Training Center (BPVP) Samarinda, East Kalimantan.

            With the SIAPKERJA platform, it is hoped that this can overcome problems such as unemployment.

            Meanwhile Muhammad Ali Hapsah as the Director of Vocational and Productivity Training Implementation (Binalavogan) of the Ministry of Manpower, said that his party had prepared a training program specifically aimed at people living in Sepaku sub-district which is the central point of IKN development.

            Ali said that physical development is indeed very important, but don’t forget that the development of community resources must also be considered, this is to avoid social jealousy and anticipate the community around the IKN.

            Ali considers that to support the development of PPU, training programs are certainly needed that are appropriate for the community around the IKN. Either directly or indirectly in the development of IKN.

            It should be noted that the construction of IKN will involve a lot of manpower. At least the government needs 200 thousand workers to complete the construction of the IKN. For this reason, the role of all parties is needed, including the support of local communities who are directly affected by the construction of the IKN.

            On a different occasion, the Governor of East Kalimantan, Dr H Isran Noor, gave his appreciation and felt happy and proud. Because this is the first time the Indonesian Ministry has held training at the zero point of the national capital (IKN) of the archipelago and this has been carried out by the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower.

            The training is of course a form of support for the country’s economic recovery. This means that the state has started to prepare competent human resources or workforce in various fields.

            The training organized by IKN is training that is really needed by companies to support development in IKN, so it is hoped that people who live in PPU have the skills to get jobs at IKN .

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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