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Be Wary of the Spread of Radicalism in the Community


By: Raditya Rahman) *

Radical understanding is still a real threat that needs to be watched out for. The government and the community must not be careless in responding radaikalism because it can threaten the existence of Pancasila and trigger disharmony in society. Radical Understanding is a further development of intolerant thoughts and attitudes. Intolerance is a raw material that can develop into a radical movement that justifies violence, replaces state ideology to terrorism.

Deputy of Prevention of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), Suaib Tahir said that the Indonesian people were vulnerable to being exposed to radicalism and terrorism. Especially as we know that violence-based content such as radical terrorism is growing so rampant through cyberspace. Radical groups now use the internet to spread the values ​​of provocation to the recruitment process to engage in radical movements in Indonesia.

Of course the radical understanding that became the forerunner of terrorism is increasingly pervasive in society, it is certainly something that must be resisted in a structured manner, because if allowed by radicalism can erode the values ​​of nationalism that can harm the country. Because many people, especially internet users, are exposed to radical understanding through cyberspace. To prevent radicalism in the community. The Indonesian Vision Institute in collaboration with the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) is also trying to find the best solution to overcome the problem. One of them is through workshops related to counter radicalism.

In fact, radical understanding not only threatens the unity and integrity of the nation, but also damages the joints of social life. Region III Inspector General Inspector General of the Ministry of Religion Hilmi Muhammadiyah explained that radicalism in Indonesia continues to roll like a ball. Its presence seems to continue to erode a sense of nationalism, unity and cohesion, and cause unrest in society. So that radicalism does not continue to spread, all elements of society must stem the understanding so that it is not misled. Because not only the general public is prone to radicalism, there are not a few followers of that understanding from the educated circles.

The Mata Air Foundation revealed research data that showed that radical not only touched the general public, but also the educated. Even the note is, many people have talked about radicalism, but rarely have anyone talked about solutions. Of course we hope that the facts presented by the results of research related to the massive radical movement must be truly sought for a solution. Because so far it has been very abundant about radicalism research that is both troubling and threatening to the order of state life in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, Abdulah Mas’ud who is an activist of NU CARE tried to see from a different perspective. According to him, radicalism can be caused by various factors. For this reason, he offers two things in an effort to counter radicalism, namely the propagation of peace in the community and economic empowerment. How to preach peacefully in the community must certainly be reproduced. So there is no fear and violence conveyed. A polite and gentle approach must also be put forward. In addition it is also important to realize the economic movement of the people.

On a different occasion, the Secretary of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, Rully Indriawan said, there needed to be a joint effort to support former terrorism prisoners and radical movement activists to rise economically. According to him, economic empowerment through cooperatives is an effective step to eradicate the radicalism movement and suppress the practice of terrorism because one of the root problems of radicalism and terrorism is economic pressure.

The widening economic gap between the richest population and the poorest population in Indonesia turns out not only to bring up the potential for horizontal conflict in the community. The more threatening danger from this condition is the proliferation of radical ideas both in the name of certain religions or ideologies. People who feel that economic injustice is locked up will be more easily infiltrated by radical ideas. Where they assume that this understanding can answer the problems they experience as well as a form of resistance to the hegemony of investors and the government over their economic resources.

This shows, that the problem of economic inequality including unemployment is also included as one of the entrances to radical understanding. Therefore, radicalism must be handled in a multi-element manner, that is, it must be handled well by the government. In addition, radicalism must also be handled by experts in their fields, such as moderate Islamic institutions, NU with Nusantara Islam and Muhammadiyah with progressing Islam.

) * The author is a social political observer

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