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Beware of Radicalism and Intolerance Movements in Indonesia


By: Angga Gumilar) *

The alarm of radicalism in Indonesia is still ringing, including when Indonesia is carrying out various political agendas that are often accompanied by increased intolerance in Indonesia.

Intolerance can certainly be an indicator of the spread of radical understanding, this has an impact on the loss of humanity in the name of the interests of the group.

Radical movements are not new news, their existence has been around for a long time in Indonesia, such as the DI TII and NII rebellions in the early days of the Republic of Indonesia’s independence.

This is certainly proof that radicalism and terrorism have become a real threat to the peace and wholeness of the Republic of Indonesia, therefore radicalism and terrorism must be eradicated to its roots.

Former Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), Inspector General (Ret.) Ansyaad Mbai said, the radical-understood virus spread by ISIS is more dangerous than the corona virus which is currently being endemic in various parts of the world, including Indonesia.

It also supports the decision of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who will not repatriate hundreds of former Indonesian citizens who were former ISIS combatants who had ripped off passports bearing the Garuda logo.

Ansyaad said that the corona virus that is currently spreading can still be monitored by the number of victims. While the radicalism understood virus spread by ISIS, it is not clear who the victims have been exposed to.

Beginning in January 2020, the Head of the Sleman Islamic Extension Communication Forum (FKPAI) Unsul Jalis said that nearly 60 percent of high schools in the Sleman region were exposed to radical understanding.

Not only that, there are about 30 percent of high school teachers who are also exposed to radical understanding, this is the result of a study of the distribution of questionnaires to all public and private high schools.

The distribution of the questionnaire was conducted to find out to what extent high school students and teachers in the Sleman area were exposed to radical understanding. It not only distributed questionnaires to state or private high schools, but also targeted the Supreme Court.

Some indications or questions in the questionnaire were asked, especially related to scholars who have been role models in religion. As a result, some students and teachers answered by referring to radical scholars. Another indicator is the existence of a shift in the mention of OSIS to become Rohis. This has happened in several schools.

He said, the entry of radical notions into the schools did not happen suddenly but was deliberately brought. There is a movement for this understanding to go into schools. If only one is exposed to either students or teachers, surely they will invite others, therefore the spread of radical understanding in schools is indeed massive.

Jalis added, in such circumstances mentoring or counseling for students who have been exposed to radical understandings is indeed needed. It’s just that, until now the religious instructors are still unable to enter the school to provide assistance.

The spread of radical understanding in Indonesia also occurs in social media, this is because many Indonesians access da’wah content on the internet compared to scholars from moderate organizations such as NU or Muhammadiyah.

The use of social media also makes the process of radicalization much more massive and faster. Formerly a teenager in order to have a significant role in a terror group requires no short time. Those who are interested in violent teachings do not necessarily meet the appropriate groups.

The processes of discussion on social media are certainly inseparable from the monitoring of radical groups. Those who are consistently involved in discussions will be invited to more exclusive groups through the WhatsApp or Telegram application.

Parents certainly have an important role in watching their children when they start to get excited about the device. Do not let the younger generation be vulnerable to radicalism because they are looking for references themselves about religious knowledge.

One of the characteristics of the da’wah content that leads to radicalism is content that continues to blame the government or content that considers democracy incompatible in Indonesia.

How to preach peacefully in the community must certainly be encouraged. So there is no fear and violence conveyed. A polite and gentle approach must also be put forward. So that in the effort to deradicalise, it certainly requires all elements, whether school, government or even the smallest environment in the family.

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