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Beware of the New Variant of Covid-19 Entering Indonesia


By: Alfisyah Dianasari )*

The public needs to be aware of the new Covid-19 variant that enters Indonesia. Awareness of Prokes is expected to continue to increase because the new variant is expected to be more contagious .

Spokesperson for Covid-19 of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Siti Nadia Tarmizi appealed to the public to be aware of the three new variants of SARS-CoV-2 that cause COVID-19 because they spread more quickly.

On the occasion of the virtual event, Siti said, the new variant of the corona virus had entered Indonesia. The new variants include the B117, B1351 and B1617.

              He said that in several countries there is currently a spike in Covid-19 cases. Several factors that cause the increase in cases are the mobility of people’s movements.

              The new variant of the COVID-19 virus is B117 from England, then B1351 from South Africa and a double-mutated variant from India B1617.

              The variant, which is classified as Variant of Concern, is known to have a higher transmission rate of about 36 to 75 percent compared to the previously circulating virus types.             

              He explained that the B117 variant is currently the most reported variant from various countries. WHO noted an increase in cases of up to 49 percent of the B117 variant circulating in Southeast Asia.

              Regarding mutations or new variants in Indonesia, Siti revealed that this is still being researched and testing in 786 laboratories.

              He reported there were 13 cases of the B117 variant. Two cases were detected in North Sumatra, one case in South Sumatra, one case in Banten, five cases in West Java, one case in East Java and two cases in Bali.

              A total of five B117 cases were reported to have come from imported cases or brought by Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) from Saudi Arabia and were detected in Karawang (West Java), Balikpapan City (East Kalimantan) and Bogor City (West Java).

              In order to prevent wider transmission, Siti appealed to the public to reduce mobility. The situation in Indonesia requires the public to comply with the recommendations and prohibitions from the government.

              On a different occasion, the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) of Salatiga City asked all residents in the area to continue to prioritize discipline in implementing health protocols and Covid-19 prevention soups. This aims to be aware of the new variant of the corona virus which is more dangerous and vulnerable to threats, if the public is ignorant and undisciplined in implementing health protocols and preventive SOPs in various activities.

              Widodo as Chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Salatiga City Branch, said that currently the latest variants of Covid-19 must continue to be watched out for, such as B117, B1617 and Variant B1351. Because the three variants are more virulent than the original virus.

              Although the city of Salatiga has not yet found any cases of Covid-19 from the new variant, anticipation is very much needed in the midst of the high mobility of the people.

              In order to anticipate the transmission of the latest variant of the virus, the ‘defense’ that must be carried out is discipline in implementing health protocols. Like the discipline of wearing a mask anywhere, getting used to washing hands thoroughly both before and after activities.

              This is done because the Covid-19 pandemic has not ended, and efforts to strengthen defense through the Covid-19 vaccination program have also not been fully implemented by the government.

              On a different occasion, the Salatiga Police Chief, AKBP Rahmad Hidayat, added that all ranks of the Salatiga Police are ready to synergize with IDI Salatiga City Branch to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to him, the Covid-19 pandemic is the duty of all parties, especially since IDI has also been at the forefront of treating Covid-19 patients in the Salatiga City area.

              Indonesian President Joko Widodo also reminded and invited the public to remain disciplined in complying with health recommendations and protocols in the midst of a pandemic. In an effort to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, the community also plays a major role in suppressing the number of cases and their spread.

              Jokowi also said that we must realize the threat of COVID-19 which is not over yet. Therefore, the government together with the community must continue to work and synergize together in dealing with this pandemic. The community must also remind each other so that discipline in implementing health protocols must be carried out.

              A vigilance is very much needed during a pandemic, besides that, adherence to health protocols must also be followed, it is this alert attitude that keeps us aware of the dangers of the new variant of the corona virus.

) *The author is a citizen living in Depok

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