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Beware of the Provocation of Separatism Using Papuan Students


By: Samson Nano Abdullah

Not long ago, the masses are not so many of the group People’s Front of Indonesia’s West Papua (FRI-WP, red), the Alliance of Papuan Students (AMP, red) and the Association of Students of the Central Mountains seIndonesia (AMPTPI, red) rallied to demand a few things among others, give the right to self-determination as a democratic solution for the people of West Papua, Reject Special Autonomy Volume II, Open access to journalists as widely as possible in West Papua, Withdraw organic and non-organic military from West Papua, Free West Papuan political prisoners without conditions, Reject New Autonomous Region in West Papua, Close PT Freeport, BP, Tangguh LNG and reject Wabu Block development , Stop military operations in Nduga, Intan Jaya, Puncak Jaya, and all other West Papua regions, Revoke the Omnibus Law (Law No.11 of 2020) and others.

The author sees that the small number of protesters roaming at the Indosat Horse Statue shows that the issues or demands that they conveyed do not get a response from the Indonesian people in general and the Papuan people in particular. People are already uncomfortable with the issues voiced, because the true problems and demands it is not worth anything in Papua and West Papua, because what is required of them shouting in Jakarta like a “clap hands” with the people’s will in the majority in Papua .

In addition, the author also assesses that the issues voiced clearly reflect the demands of the separatist group, because their demands are very unnatural, including the withdrawal of organic and non-organic troops in Papua. The question is whether the protesters want Papua to be controlled by a separatist group like the TPN / OPM?

The issue of rejecting the second volume of Papua’s Special Autonomy clearly shows that protesters do not pay attention to the latest developments in Papua, because there is no term Otsus second volume, because the Indonesian Government will never revoke the validity period of Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua Province, unless it revises the article. – articles deemed important to be revised in order to accelerate the welfare of the Papuan people and facilitate public services by the government to the Papuan people.

Another demand is to give the right to self-determination as a democratic solution for the West Papuan people, this is also a claim that is nonsense because there is no legal legitimacy . Self-determination has been carried out since the implementation of the Act in 1969, when the Papuan people rejoiced and rejoiced in joining Indonesia. Meanwhile, rejecting the implementation of Trikora clearly also illustrates that the protesters are not really deep in understanding the history of Papua.

While the demand to close PT Freeport, BP, Tangguh LNG and reject the development of the Wabu Block and revoke the Omnibus Law Law, it is clear that this demonstration is set to destroy the national economy including the economy in Papua, including the Omnibus Law linked to the Papua issue also shows the protesters want to try to provoke groups of workers and students who have refused the Omnibus Law to join them, even though in reality they are just “dreams in broad daylight”.

In the future should youths and students from Papua who joined the Alliance of Papuan Students (AMP, red) and the Association of Students of the Central Mountains seIndonesia (AMPTPI, red) should start to think again, whether the study can still work if funds Autonomy is not disbursed back by the government Indonesia? Once again, don’t get caught up in the maneuvers and agitation of the proxy war groups that have been playing and frying the Papuan issue. It is best if you study hard, graduate quickly and dedicate your knowledge to the welfare of the Papuan people themselves. Hopefully.

*) The author is an observer of Papua issues.

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