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Beware of the Spread of Radicalism in the School Environment


By: Arief Apriyanto) *

Cases of Trustees Pram uka who teach ” yell -yel infidels ” in Yogyakarta weeks sila m to cont oh real deployment understand radicals in the environment of the school . Mas yarakat and P e merintah to continue to work together and m ewaspadai pe propagation pa ham anti Pancasila which can lead to acts of terror and strengthen NARAS i violence in society.

Education is the only hope for the nation’s civilization in the future. Only through pendid i kanlah transfer of knowledge and value do to the children as the generation of p enerus nation . Ki Hajar Dewantara, Indonesia’s education hero , focuses on education that nurtures and supports children’s development patterns by setting an example, motivating and inspiring. Thus education becomes the entrance to shape the future generation of Indonesia which has the character of the Indonesian nation.

But the end of -akhir this, in the news in various media, the people of Indonesia exhibited some cases radicalism in the world of education. Children are deliberately taught to be discriminatory. They are taught to hate people outside their groups, who are different SARA (Tribe, Religion, Race, Intergroup). Radicalism based on religion become fertile taught to children by parties not responsible jaw ab in several private and public schools.

The foregoing can be a trigger for animosity among fellow children of the nation in the future. Children who should be taught about the values ​​of humanity and unity, have been indoctrinated to be hostile and have an attitude of hating others. This makes education in Indonesia far from the essence of education.

U marsh by the government to conduct cross-ministerial coordination to overcome this is an act that is quite ef ektif. Radicalism in the world of education is not only the homework of the Minister of Education and Culture , but also must work together with related companies such as the Minister of Law and Human Rights, the Minister of Religion and other related ministries. This aims to resolve radicalism comprehensively.

Additionally, Men anchovies Education and K ebudayaan, Nadiem Makarim, start putting critical thinking and innovative in the world of education in Indonesia . This is an effective way to overcome radalism in schools. With critical thinking students can meny ort and verify a wide range of knowledge given to him. Radicalism will be avoided and even amputation of mind of the s wa. With the criticality and innovation , the students are not voting i chance to think about things that are irrational to turn off a sense of humanity them .

In addition, an effort coordinated between schools are private den gan objectives for cooperation and supervision of an educational pattern ti radicalism was also conducted . The government coordinates with Muhamadiyah and Nadhatul Ulama to commit to supervising education patterns in Indonesia, so that they are free from discriminatory attitudes and can create divisions based on SARA. P emer intah continue coordinating and monitoring together with massive , s ehingga someday schools no longer compromised by ideologies of radicalism.

Effort to keep memasuk k ‘s national character education curriculum in schools is also a u marsh government to ward off intruders radicals in schools. A love for the motherland, an understanding of Pancasila and citizenship education are national education that must be optimized to provide a correct understanding to children about the dangers of radicalism.

In various efforts, the community supports the government to safeguard the integrity of the nation and to preserve the future generations of the nation. Society does not want to be compromised by unscrupulous ra dikal who intend me ngganggu integrity Nega ra Unitary Republic of Indonesia, and damaging the future generations of Indonesia.

Fighting radicalism must be carried out comprehensively. Therefore, this work is not hany a governmental issue, n Amun joint venture also se like a bang s a. On the one hand the government will become the people’s mandate to prevent radicalism from entering the world of education, through the provision of rules and systems that sort out the radical attitudes of schools. On the other hand masyaraka t will be a partner pemerint ah by monitoring that radicalism is not flourishing in the world of education.

By conducting joint ventures there is a shared responsibility to create a civilized and prosperous Indonesia. Synergy in supervision of all levels in the world of education, is able to pressure the radicals not to damage the school in this country with an anti- humanity character . For this reason, the community must support and be ready to collaborate with the government to overcome radicalism in schools .

Radicalism in schools must be stopped, because it destroys the nation’s character. The state and society must continually shoulder to shoulder to protect the Indonesian people in realizing their shared ideals. For this reason, the ideas which divide and pit the children of the nation must be removed and banned in educational activities. In the field of Indonesian education, it must again become an institution that nurtures and teaches the role models of the Indonesian nation to the next generation .

) * The writer is an observer of social pol duck

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