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Beware of Workers’ Action to Disrupt the Youth Pledge Commemoration on October 28


By: Muhammad Yasin) *

The next few days, Indonesia will commemorate Youth Oath Day. In the midst of the post-2019 presidential election that still leaves political polarization, the momentum of the Youth Pledge is expected to be a reminder of the importance of national unity. Nevertheless, the momentum of the nation’s introspection was tarnished by the planned demonstration of labor elements that could potentially disturb Kamtibmas.

Secretary General of the Indonesian Labor Struggle Confederation (KPBI) Damar Panca explained, the action plan on the commemoration of the youth oath was a continuation of the struggle of the KPBI. The plan is that at the moment of the youth oath later, his party will mobilize actions to cancel the Land Bill, the Minerba Bill, including asking that the President issue a Perpu.

In its consolidation, DEN KPBI emphasized that this was a national action. This means that all KPBI members will demonstrate in various provinces. KPBI Secretary General Panca said, the action plan on the commemoration of the youth oath was a continuation of the KPBI struggle with the theme #reformation of corruption on 24 and 30 September 2019. Youth Oath Day was considered as the right momentum because it was an important monument to the nation’s revival against oppression.

Responding to the meeting, the participants agreed to carry out further consolidations. By doing so, he hopes that the preparation will be neat up to the grassroots level. But it seems that the Workers should not tarnish the meaning of youth oaths by holding massive demonstrations.

If we look at history, the Youth Pledge at that time laid the direction and purpose of the struggle against colonialism. With the meaning of the word, that the youth oath is a political statement and at the same time a cultural movement that started an activist youth movement.

In every momentum of change that is practiced by young people, it always touches the values, attitudes and behavior patterns in the social system of society. In reality, there have been significant changes in daily life. History records the formation of the pledge of youth oaths, in addition to providing historical significance there are also philosophical meanings. Where the philosophical meaning is the spirit of struggle, dedication and sacrifice for the multicultural unity and integrity of the nation with the breath of nationalism.

Do not let the oath of the young man who was born in 1928 be distorted from time to time, especially in almost the last half century. Certainly not synchronous if the warning of youth oaths must be colored with demonstrations, especially with the political situation that is quite dynamic at the moment, large-scale demonstrations in commemoration of youth oaths certainly do not need to be done.

One of the DPR members from PDIP Eva Sundari also said that the demonstration was no longer relevant because some of their demands on the DPR and the President had been granted. The first demand is about delaying the passage of the Criminal Code Bill. That was done when Jokowi announced the postponement of the legalization of the bill on 20 September.

Demands to improve the KPK Law. This is already out of government control because it was ratified on September 17, 2019. The only chance is if Labor requests a cancellation at the Constitutional Court. Demands regarding the arrest of perpetrators of natural damage in several areas. The demand is considered less specific, but if what is meant by forest fires is law enforcement currently underway. The fact is that there have been hundreds of individuals and forest-burning groups that have been arrested and dozens of companies have been frozen for business licenses

Of course the demonstration that took place last month did not need to be continued, especially by occupying the MPR Building because the demands had been absorbed by the Parliament and the government. Demonstrations by workers will certainly affect the investment climate in Indonesia, issues related to the demands of the bill should be discussed objectively by the parties concerned.

The meaning of the struggle for youth oath does not mean to be interpreted as mere demonstrations, of course there are still other ways besides taking action on the streets because the demands of the workers have also been absorbed and maximally sought by the government. The Youth Oath would be best used with the spirit of collaboration to reach out to all layers and work together to unite to have a positive impact on the surrounding. Because in the oath of youth, the ideas of youth at that time fused and crossed spaces of difference.

When the oath of youth was declared, Indonesia was still in a colonized condition, but the Indonesian youth at that time was able to boldly assert the ideals of independence amid colonialism. Workers can interpret the youth oath by giving birth to a spirit of innovation and collaboration with various groups, not only demanding, taking to the streets but in fact when the action is going on the participants of the mass action are more engrossed in selfie than voicing their aspirations.

) * The author is a social political observer

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