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Bill on Health Accommodation of Community Interests and Health Workers


By : Arsenio Bagas Pamungkas )*

The existence of the Health Bill is very capable of continuing to accommodate all the interests of the people in Indonesia and also continuing to guarantee legal protection for health workers and paramedics in the country. This accommodation is a form of strong commitment from the Government and DPR RI to fully carry out the constitutional mandate.

Commission IX of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) and also the Government of the Republic of Indonesia have agreed to bring the Health Bill (RUU) to be passed to level II at the upcoming Plenary Meeting. The decision and agreement was taken after the final views of the mini factions were read out in a joint Commission IX meeting with the government.

Regarding this matter, the Deputy Chairperson of Commission IX DPR RI who is also the Chairman of the Working Committee (Panja) on the Health Bill, Emanuel Melkiades Laka Lena said that in discussing these regulations, his party always continues to open up space for dialogue, mainly regarding how the content bill.

It doesn’t stop there, but he also guarantees that the substance of the spirit of the Health Bill which is currently being discussed by the DPR RI together with the Government of the Republic of Indonesia will continue to be able to accommodate the interests of various parties, including health workers (Nakes) and the public in general.

How could it not be, the article is that the DPR RI and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia itself continue to listen to many aspirations from the people, including how the substance that has been conveyed by the people so far through demonstrations, is all being discussed by the councils and it is certain that most of these aspirations have all been included.

Furthermore, after including the many aspirations of the community, it is hoped that in the future all parties will be able to accept the existence of the Health Bill and it can also be implemented optimally. Because with this new policy, it also becomes a new face for improving the world of health in the country.

Regarding the substance that continues to be conveyed by the community, it is also certain that this regulation will be able to provide legal protection for all health workers and paramedics in carrying out their daily practices, which so far before the existence of this rule, they were still vulnerable and susceptible to experiencing criminalization.

Indeed, so far the health workers themselves are at the forefront who should continue to get their rights and all these rights after being duly given protection by the state in the best way possible to be able to continue to guarantee good legal protection for them.

The Indonesian government also emphasized that the state really protects health workers and paramedics, so that if one day there is a problem that is carried out by the patient’s family, for example, then there will be a preliminary mechanism for testing through internal mechanisms such as honorary councils or disciplinary councils and so on. etc.

So, not immediately when there is a report submitted by the patient’s family who may sue paramedics and health workers regarding certain cases in the world of health, do not then immediately proceed and process it right away, because it will make it the front line to guard the world of health in Indonesia it becomes very vulnerable to legal problems.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes RI), has proposed a National Health Master Plan mechanism by continuing to integrate several policies from various sectors such as the local Regional Government (Pemda), central government and also various other agencies or institutions as a new method for can replace the mandatory spending program.

This was done because with the existence of the Health Bill, the purpose of allocating mandatory spending is no longer based on the size of the allocation as it was some time ago, but accompanied by a strong commitment to spending the budget from the government to be able to ensure much more certain kinds of strategic programs, especially in the health sector. health so that they can run more optimally.

All programs related to national strategic programs in the world of health must continue to prepare their budgets, which has indeed become a strong commitment from the Government of Indonesia to be able to ensure that all health programs can run well and also have a direct positive impact on society. .

Previously, the Minister of Health (Menkes RI), Budi Gunadi Sadikin emphasized that his party was very ready to be able to accommodate all public participation in the formulation and discussion of the Health Bill. This is in an effort to carry out the constitutional mandate properly.

The interests of many parties, ranging from all people in Indonesia to health workers and paramedics in the country, have all been very well accommodated by the Government and the Indonesian Parliament through the existence of the Health Bill, which so far has continued to involve and fully listen to all public aspirations. from its substance.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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