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Caring for Unity and warding Off Lies in Welcoming the Future


The long and arduous journey has been felt and experienced by all Indonesian people to taste the sweetness of freedom in an independence. Approximately 350 years the Indonesian people were shackled and tortured by the pain of colonialism by other nations. A very fierce struggle and covered in blood to defend and preserve the purity and dignity of their dwellings namely the Mother Earth.

The independence that was announced on August 17, 1945 was the result of the struggle of the Indonesian people with various sacrifices from generation to generation and was the fruit of their efforts and prayers which were offered every day. But after August 17, 1945, independence was still not fully owned by the Indonesian people. Because it still could not get recognition from the colonizers, especially the Dutch and allies at that time, making the Indonesian people still have to fight to maintain the independence that had been declared.

            Resistance fluctuations in various regions in Indonesia in order to maintain Indonesian independence. The Dutch and the Allies still clung to me to win the declared independence. Seeing the resistance which was so fierce and took many victims, the Dutch and the Allies began to use deceptive methods by luring promises that would ultimately harm the Indonesian people themselves. But with a prolonged war and a heinous stratagem in an agreement is not enough to bring the Indonesian people back on their knees. With a variety of factors that no longer support the Dutch nation ranging from troops, weapons, and financing and insistence from other nations. It was from this factor that the Round Table Conference (KMB) was held which led to the recognition of the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia on December 27, 1949, forcing the Dutch out of the Motherland.

Perhaps the majority of us have read or listened to these messages from Mr. Soekarno. The message is a warning to the Indonesian Nation, because the struggle is not over, but the struggle must begin. And the challenges we face later are not other people but our own brothers. The struggle in building the nation of Indonesia to become a large and independent nation with natural wealth that is none other than intended for the welfare of the Indonesian people.

We should be grateful that the Indonesian nation was blessed by God with so much natural wealth and diversity, ethnicity, culture, language, and everything in it. Which of these riches makes other nations jealous and makes a special attraction for them to know more about Indonesia. But besides having great potential to be developed, on the other hand the wealth and diversity can be a threat to the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). The threat referred to here is horizontal conflict in Indonesian society which originates from such diversity.

For that we need a sense of unity and love for the motherland and mutual respect for one another. The Pancasila experience is the right way to minimize horizontal conflicts that occur amid differences in Indonesia. Pancasila is an ideology that is final and is the best formulation for the Indonesian people going forward.

            Talking a lot about the struggle of the Indonesian people until now, it’s not good if we don’t learn from what has happened in the past. Because the best teacher in life is experience. Remembering a message, if today is better than yesterday then we are lucky, if today is the same as yesterday then we are losing money, but if today we are worse than yesterday we are doomed. So what is the current situation in Indonesia?

            Entering the age of 74 years is not over what is considered young again for a country. At this age the maturity of development and the welfare of the people should have been enjoyed. But Indonesia is currently still tidying up with various problems that still hinder the realization of a developed country. Problems that are still homework for the Indonesian people are problems of unemployment, social inequality, poverty, economy and health.

One thing we can do to eradicate hoaks is by reading information from reliable and credible sources. For this reason the site kataindonesia.com continues to present information needs around politics, government, economics, sports, to culinary both nationally and internationally. Kataindonesia.com continues to strive to tackle hoaks that circulate among the public by presenting information in the form of facts.

So there is no reason for us to be consumed with hoax news, because there are already so many sources of reference information that certainly present facts. And if you find hoax information spread in the community, it would be nice for you to also take part in eradicating it. Yaps eradicated it instead of spreading it. Be a wise generation in processing information for the good of Indonesia in the future.

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