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Chili production of central Kalimantan deficit

Chili is one of goods cause inflation in Central Kalimantan. It was because deficit of chili production in central Kalimantan province.
Chili is one of goods cause inflation in Central Kalimantan. It was because deficit of chili production in central Kalimantan province.

Choirul Fuad, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – The cost of chili in Central Kalimantan is very high, it’s about IDR 100.000 per Kg. it was because chili is from outside Central Kalimantan.

The department of agriculture and husbandry Central Kalimantan, through chief of agribusiness, Dewi Erowati, like quote in Antara News Kalteng, Wednesday (2/9/2015) admitted that chili production in Central Kalimantan is lees or deficit 1.237 ton per year.

“Local chili requirement in Central Kalimantan is 3.540 per year, and then local chili farmer production is only 2.312 ton,” said her.

Government has effort to comply chili requirement through their programs.

“The effort is follow central government instruction to planting chili in summer season,” said her.

He also said that the program planting chili in summer season has been doing in Palangka Raya city, Barito Utara, Kapuas and Kotawaringin Timur regency, which amount field is 32 Ha.

She admitted the program is waiting the harvest time on next November 2015, because the planting chili started since July till august 2015. (*)

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