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Citizens and the Community Ready to Work Together to Succeed PON XX


By: Solahudin Rahmat) *

The XX PON in Papua was postponed for a year due to the pandemic. However, the setback in this schedule was used as a moment to make the event more successful. All netizens and the Indonesian people are also united and united in promoting this event, to be a great success.

20 October to 4 November 2021, XX PON will be held in Papua. The people of Cendrawasih Earth are very happy and excited in welcoming this event, because this is the first time a national level sports competition has been held in Papua. They are happy because when Papua is used as a venue for PON, it means that it is trusted by the central government.

Citizens in Jogjakarta also support the XX PON to continue successfully. Hafyz Marshal, National Coordinator of the Independent Social Media Activists Forum (FPMSI) in Jogjakarta expressed his support for this event. They also asked netizens around the world to make PON XX a success, by spreading positive narratives and content on social media.

Why is PON in Papua supported by netizens from Jogjakarta? This shows the cohesiveness of Indonesian netizens. Even though the location of Jogja-Papua is very far away, they still support each other in kindness, and try to make XX PON well organized. The trick is to promote this event on their social media.

Netizen support exemplified by FPMIS is in the form of positive content on social media. For example, by posting photos on Instagram Enembe Luke stadium, and membe ri hashtag #PONPapua #Papuamaju, etc. Photos on social media have the potential to go viral, because they can be seen by netizens around the world. If many see it, they will be attracted by the PON broadcast.

When many netizens abroad participate in monitoring the news and broadcasts of PON XX, they will be amazed at the sports matches in Papua. It turns out that Papua is very modern, clean, and organizes sports events professionally. In addition, the atmosphere outside the stadium is also broadcast, so that it becomes a moment to promote the natural beauty of Papua.

Netizens are the driving force so that citizens in other countries are fascinated by the beauty and exoticism of Papua. They will include Papua as a tourist destination, later after the pandemic is over. So that the Papuan people who benefit, because it is filled with tourists and the tourism sector is alive again.

The thumbs up power of Indonesian netizens is indeed great in neutralizing something. Therefore, use social media to upload good photos, for example about PON XX Papu a. Because it will also have a positive effect on Indonesia. Our country will be known for holding professional and modern PON.

Why should there be a positive image of Indonesia, through PON XX, carried out on social media? Because during this time many foreigners only knew Bali but did not know that the island was part of Indonesia. So that the PON Papua will be neutralized will show that Indonesia is a developed Southeast Asian country, not a third world country.

Rus dil Fikri, another FPMSI representative stated that the synergy of citizens is very important to advance Indonesia. In that sense, support for PON must be carried out by every Indonesian citizen. Because they work together and are united in advancing every event organized by the government, including the national sports week in Papua.

When netizens get together, they stop blaming each other. It is no longer a secret, currently there are 2 opposing camps, because each of them defended a different candidate pair in the 2011 9 election . When there is a PON, they will unite. Therefore, the Warganet representative from Jogja is campaigning for PON to be successful and hopes that this event will unite 200 million people in Indonesia.

The success of PON is our happiness together. Citizens are expected to be compact and support each other in popularizing this sporting event. You do this by uploading pictures or positive narratives about PON XX, and trying to neutralize it on social media.

) * The author is a contributor to the Youth Literacy Forum in Pekanbaru

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