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Citizens Are Ready To Fight Hoax At Its Roots To Realize Indonesia’s Development!


By: Handoko Putra) *

Lately, the existence of hoax or sara news is very disturbing. Not a few provocative news popping up on social media that aims to fight sheep and divide a particular group, party, institution or religion. Usually individuals or groups of perpetrators of hoaxes have their own interests behind them to do so. Now, the concern is that if people do not know anything, they will easily believe and be affected by news like this because they think the news is true. Then in the end many people even re-spread it on social media.

In fact, the effect of this Hoax news is so great that it makes our current situation of nationality, state and diversity really get a very tough test. Segregation or estrangement of social relations is currently still open because there are many conflict residues that have not been resolved. If this continues to be a concern, it will certainly hamper Indonesia’s development equally. Plus at this time, there is a tendency for democratic freedom in Indonesia which has been considered excessive, thus threatening democracy itself.

Therefore, the spirit of reconciliation to meet the important point of preventing social tensions, and anti-hoax stimulus must be done. By way of spreading positive narratives and preaching the development and progress of the nation. Citizens are also ready to support the government’s efforts to take firm action against radicalism that always plays with the pattern of spreading hoaxes and the citizens also support Indonesia’s development evenly by participating in fighting against hoaxes to its roots in order to realize the 3rd precepts of Pancasila, namely the unity of Indonesia.

Even though various elements still try to put negative stimulus towards the nation, citizens will continue to become the frontline in the success of national interests and are always ready to support government policies for the next 5 years to move towards Imdonesia Forward.

) * Practitioners of Social Media Activists.

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