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Community Supports Disbanding FPI


By: Muhammad Zaki) *

The use of the idea of ​​the Khilafah Islamiyah in the Statutes and By-Laws of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) triggers community resistance and inhibits the issuance of permits from the Government. The refusal arises because all CSOs must be based on Pancasila. Therefore, loyalty pledges made by FPI must be watched out because they are vulnerable to being used as a front for obtaining permits.
Who does not know FPI (Islamic Defenders Front) is popular with strong criticism of the government. The discourse of the implementation of the Khilafah state that was echoed also became a tagname for this large Islamic mass organization. The most phenomenal thing was when this organization conveyed its aspirations to the Special Session of the People’s Consultative Assembly about the demands of the people who wanted the revocation of the ideology of Pancasila as the sole principle, the termination of the Guidelines for Observing and Practicing Pancasila.
Even though Pancasila as the basis of the state has been widely recognized and is able to overshadow Indonesian citizens who are known as multicultural countries. Consisting of a variety of races, religions, cultures, and others. Moreover, the application of the principles of Pancasila also did not deviate. In fact, it is able to strengthen harmony among religious communities in the archipelago.
Indeed, they did not reject the goodness of the Islamic system that they wanted to implement. However, the fact is that many studies state that the concept of the Khilafah is incompatible with the teachings of the previous Prophet. Given the many concepts of the Khilafah that can be found. While this concept that wants to be carried does seem gray. And if the Khilafah state is upheld, where will other religious communities be taken?
Not to mention the FPI high priest who is considered controversial with his work. It is not only the frontal of the state, its distorted behavior makes some parties doubt the credibility of this organization. In fact, the status is still unclear and at odds with the government. It is not impossible that the efforts to implement this Khilafah country indicate a rebellion. And the latest case from this mass organization is the delay in the issuance of SKT, due to the statement of organizations that are still keen on the Anti Pancasila discourse.
Previously, PBNU Tanfidziyah Daily Chairman Chairman Robikin Emhas mentioned the need for government foresight before issuing a Registered Certificate (SKT) for a particular mass organization. According to him, the government should not be deceived by the existence of a statement of loyalty to Pancasila, before issuing a SKT on CBOs.
Robikin said that when responding to the polemic about the government’s attitude which is still delaying the extension of the SKT for the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). Robikin added that loyalty to Pancasila needs to be proven by mass organizations at the highest forum called Congress and Congress. Proof of loyalty to Pancasila cannot be judged based on a piece of paper or black and white. Whereas before FPI was famous for its anti-Pancasila jargon, then only for the sake of the SKT did they give a loyal statement to the ideology of the Indonesian State? Funny!
Robikin also admitted that this matter was more impressed as a strategy to get administrative legitimacy from the government. Therefore, loyalty must reflect the attitudes and utterances of the members of this organization. If judged not in line with Pancasila, why be afraid to take action?
In addition, the state also has the right not to give legitimacy to mass organizations that are proven in legal documents or speech, attitudes and actions to adhere to ideologies that are contrary to Pancasila, including against the constitution or want to remove the national and state boundaries.
Meanwhile, General Secretary Baitul Muslimin Indonesia (Bamusi) Nasyirul Falah Amru called on the government to act decisively in responding to the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). The PDI-P legislator who is familiarly called Gus Falah’s call emphasized that the government need not hesitate to dissolve the mass organization led by Habib Rizieq Syihab, which has been proven Anti-Pancasila.
Falah said this to respond to the statement of the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security Moh Mahfud MD about the government being unable to issue an extension of the registered certificate (SKT) for FPI as a mass organization. He added that Indonesia already has laws governing CBOs. Namely, CSOs that stand cannot be crossed with state ideology. This is reflected in the FPI’s statutes and bylaws, which voiced the Islamic Khilafah.
Surely the effort to steer citizens towards a true ideology (Pancasila) is not wrong, is it? It has been repeatedly explained, through studies, proofs and various surveys if the Khilafah will not be able to be applied in Indonesia. One reason is tolerance among religious people. In an Islamic literature alone it is mentioned that the great Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would only respect and cooperate when protecting the holy city. Then how can this FPI mass organization be so adamant about implementing a khilafah country that blatantly sets aside the rights of other people?

) * The author is a social political observer

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