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Community Supports Prohibition of Going Homecoming Policy Prevents Covid-19 Distribution


By: Dodik Prasetyo) *

Eid homecoming in the middle of Covid Pandemic 19, certainly has a high risk to transmit the corona virus that is obtained when crossing the red zone areas. The community also supports and appreciates these Government policies which are considered capable of preventing greater Covid-19 transmission.

Homecoming is certainly a very awaited moment for all Muslim communities this year, 2020. Although this year is different from the previous year which is safe from epidemics, the homecoming moment is still a beautiful dream for all people.

With the outbreak of the Covid Virus 19 disease, it has led some Muslims in Indonesia to follow government regulations for staying home, and not going home. Of course the decision is quite heavy, especially for people who have a profession as workers outside the city or overseas. The feeling of longing will be even more they feel.

The previous government has issued a regulation that is still allowed to go home, but the status of homecomers to become ODP, will certainly complicate the government itself, especially in terms of budgets that will be increasingly inflated because they have to prepare funds for health.

In addition, by allowing it to go home, it will also add to the plague of Covid 19, which is becoming increasingly rampant. Even the homecoming ban has now been issued by the government. And there will be sanctions for violators. Amongst the prison, as well as fines.

For the sake of security and tranquility of this eerie, the article entered into Law No. 6 of 2018 which is in article 93, a maximum sentence of one year, with a maximum fine of 100 million. Of course the punishment will make some people refuse to go home.

But from a series of styles that exist among people who refuse to go home, it’s not enough just that. There are also those who refuse for the sake of family security in the village. It is not enough to maintain health, if forced to go home, and of course going through areas that have the potential to transmit.

Locations that have the potential to transmit here, areas in the red zone, and areas where PSBB (large-scale social restrictions) have been put in place will make healthy people able to bring the virus into the area that was originally safe or even far from this Covid 19 virus.

Not only feared of carrying the virus, some people who decided to go home also tried to help the government break the covid 19 chain. Not only because of fear of sending to the nuclear family in the village, but makes it easy for each individual to quarantine themselves and conduct social distancing.

Homecoming prohibition rules have been imposed since April 24, 2020, people who are in charge of carrying out homecoming will soon go to the field. These officers try to give direction to people who are determined to go home, for the common good.

Not just a matter of the road that will be closed, the officers will carry out according to the direction of the government from April 24 to May 7, 2020, for reckless travelers who will be directed to turn around, in order to return to their respective homes.

Whereas since May 7, 2020, sanctions will be applied. This is the government’s effort to prevent the spread of the Covid 19 outbreak from getting worse. Some communities also agreed to help the government, and make families safer to avoid the potential for contracting this dangerous virus.

With the prohibition of going home, and given sanctions in accordance with government regulations, this will be something that is feared by some people. But there are also people who are not out of fear then decide not to go home, they want their family to be safe from the threat of this Covid 19 Virus. As well as assisting government efforts in breaking the Covid chain 19.

) * The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute

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