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Deradicalization Prevents Radicalism and Terrorism


By: Dodik Prasetyo )*

Radicals are getting smarter in influencing people to come to hate the government, by spreading hoax news. The government does not remain silent and devises a de-radicalization program, so that people become more intelligent and know that this is only their way to attract sympathy. The de-radicalization program is carried out not only for ex-terrorist inmates, but also for civil society.

The de-radicalization program is a step taken by the government to prevent terrorism and radicalism in the community, and also to heal terrorist prisoners from radicalism. This is done so that there are no more cases of terrorism that damage public places and take lives, such as throwing bombs at police stations, stabbing officials, and killing of medical personnel.

Intelligence observer Susaningtyas Kertopati stated that the de-radicalization program must be intensified again, not only in the real world but in the virtual world. Nuning, his nickname, made this statement because in reality there were more hoaxes and post truths on the internet. The public is led to believe the news about government policies that are considered harmful, even though it is a statement that is twisted truth.

There are still those who believe in hoax news and generally they are old people who have just become acquainted with the internet. They assume that all the news in the online media is as valid as the print newspaper. When in fact, anyone can write on the internet, including radicals who continue to produce hoax news.

The way to make parents more aware of hoaxes, so they are not dragged into the radicals, is through education. Explain to them, which online media can be justified. Also emphasize not to easily believe a story with a horrendous headline.

Deradicalization is not only done in cyberspace, but also in the real world. This program can be carried out on campus, because radicals generally approach students through UKM activities. If you can, plus an honors course in the first semester, for every student in all majors. So they are taught about nationalism, patriotism, and radical cruelty. Students are not easily exposed to seduction from terrorists who disguise themselves as people who look wise, but are secretly recruiting new members.

Deradicalisation programs can be done not only on campus, but also in schools, ranging from kindergarten to high school. If in kindergarten it can be advisable to hold a flag ceremony every Monday, and on other major holidays. Students can also be invited to memorize national songs to love their country early on.

While elementary to high school students can be given citizenship education lessons. Not only by theory and memorizing the articles of the Constitution, but with practice. For example, they are invited to visit the tomb of the heroes’ tombs and museums that store historical remains of war. During a tour of the museum, teachers can also tell stories about heroism, so their nationalism can rise.

In these ways, it is hoped that students will not be easily persuaded by radicals. Because they know that Indonesian independence is not only achieved by the efforts of one people, but from the struggle of heroes from different ethnicities and religions. They can appreciate differences and learn not to disbelieve others.

Deradicalization can be carried out in the virtual and real world. In cyberspace, we must be aware of hoax news made by radicals. Check the truth and don’t spread it directly to other WA groups. While in the real world, elementary to high school students and students are trained to love the motherland and ignite the spirit of nationalism in the chest. So that they do not believe so much about the persuasion of the radicals.

)* The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI)

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