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Discipline Comply with Government Policy Key to Success in Stopping Covid-19


Covid-19 virus still hasn’t left Indonesia. We all hope that all patients will recover and no one will suffer Corona. You do this by being disciplined in following government regulations.

Have you ever felt bored because only at home? Since Covid-19 entered Indonesia, there has been a policy to stay at home announced by the government. As a result, all schools are closed. Likewise with the company, many employees are assigned to work at home. All family members become silent at home and become boring.

But don’t complain when you have to stay at home. It felt boring at first but all this for the common good. We don’t know how the Corona virus looks, while out there Covid-19 can fly looking for prey. So to avoid this disease, you must really quarantine yourself at home. If you go out, you can only do important things, for example, shop for staples, and you must wear a mask to always be safe.

Another policy after the Covid-19 virus in Indonesia is social distancing. There should be no crowding and crowding. When shopping at the supermarket, the number of people who enter is limited, and must wash their hands first. All parties and music concerts must not be held. Even when waiting in line at the hospital, you have to sit down and there is a distance between the chairs. This rule was also made to prevent the spread of Corona.

Rules for banning an outrageous party surprised many brides-to-be. They finally gave up and could only hold a marriage contract, without a reception in the building or hotel. Even then, the headman and the bride-to-be must wear a mask to stay safe from Covid-19 transmission. Actually this policy when viewed from another side, is good for teaching simplicity. A marriage is still valid even without a large party.

Social distancing is also followed by PSBB regulations, aka large-scale social restrictions. If someone rides a motorcycle, it can’t be piggybacking on other people. In the car is limited, there can only be a maximum of 3 people. One of the parties affected by this policy is motorcycle taxi drivers. They cannot carry passengers and may only be in charge of delivering goods or ordering food.

The motorcycle taxi drivers immediately protested, but what else could I do. If you force yourself to allow pillion, it will be more dangerous. When a passenger turns out to be Corona, it will be infected and endanger their own lives. Because the characteristics of people infected with vorus Covid-19 are not very visible from the outside and ordinary people can not see it.

The most recent policy to deal with the spread of the Corona virus is the prohibition of going home. Even though the tradition of returning home has been done for years. The civil servants are also strictly prohibited from going home and if they are desperate they will get harsh sanctions. Meanwhile, on the toll roads and roads that are passed by travelers, the police have been heavily guarded. They drive away the crowd of motorbikes and cars that will return home.

Do not be sad when failing going home, because we can still friendship through smartphones, hold yourself for a moment to lebaran at home. Rather than reckless to return home and even contracted Corona, even very dangerous. Shortness of breath and life are on the edge.

Regulations proclaimed by the government such as the prohibition of going home, PSBB, social distancing, and stay at home should not be a burden. All for your own good, to stay healthy and not contract the Covid-19 virus. May we stay healthy and safe from Corona, and continue to obey government policies.

Dodik Prasetyo, the author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI).

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