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Discussion in Majalengka Dissecting the Roots of Radicalism


Alan Barok Ulumudin of the Muhammadiyah Youth of West Java emphasized that the emergence of radicalism began with social economic problems and injustice. The climax since the reformation began with the emergence of radical groups or movements.

With the emergence of the movement, it opened the space for economic, social, religious and political organization as a manifestation of freedom of expression.

“These factors I conclude from the literacy that the lighter is economic and social,” Alan said in a special dialogue with the theme ‘Metamorphosis of the Radicalism Movement as a Threat of the Nation in Majalengka, Wednesday (8/21/2019).

 Alan also revealed the most thick factor or cause of the radicalism movement was a matter of economics, then the second, social as well as upholding the rule of law which was lame.

Moreover, the movement in Majalengka Regency, even though it is still sloping, is not impossible to ignite radicalism, such as information from Majalengka residents who were arrested in Jakarta related to the May 21-22 action.

 “This means that even if the organization is dissolved, ideology will continue to develop. So when it comes to an organization without a house, I think we should be aware,” Alan added.

 He stressed that one ideology that must be instilled is Pancasila in which the Pancasila state is Darul Ahdi Wa Syahadah. Darul ahdi means the country where we have a national consensus.

 “Our country stands because the founders agreed that the entire diversity of the nation, class, region, political power, agreed to establish Indonesia,” he said.

 The Chairman of the PWI Majalengka Representative Jejep Falahulalam stated that the metamorphosis of the radicalism movement as a threat to the nation’s main cause for flourishing was economic.

The solution that must be done by the central, provincial, district / city, sub-district to village or village government is by re-developing love for the Pancasila ideology.

 That the funding father agreed on the basis and ideology was Pancasila which could not be contested then Bhineka Tunggal Ika, the 1945 Constitution and that the agreement of this country was a unit or the Republic of Indonesia.

 “All of this must be planted by the young generation as the successor to the nation. Then the other solution is to be careful with the information received that is not scattered, and read news from trusted media,” he said.

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