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E Tilang Will Be Enacted As of October 1, Riders Must Have Email and Telephone Number at BPKB


CIDISS. Polda Metro Jaya will begin implementing Enforemenf Electronic Traffic Law (E-TLE) in Jakarta. It is planned that e-tilang will be tested in October 2018. The trial will be implemented along the Jalan Jenderal Sudirman-MH Thamrin section in Central Jakarta.

Metro Jaya Regional Police Director General Kombes Yusuf revealed that e-tilang applies to all vehicles, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles. “The motorbike also, all violating plate B vehicles will be enforced,” said Yusuf at Istora Senayan, Tuesday (9/18).

The socialization includes also that the owner immediately complete the data of the Motor Vehicle Owner’s Book (BPKB) with the telephone number and e-mail address. If the violator’s address does not match the address listed in the data base, or in the sense that the STNK has not returned the name, then he asks so that the previous vehicle owner to report the matter to their respective Samsat.

The telephone number and e-mail address will make it easier for the officer to contact the offender, then send the ticket. The ticket letter is sent by the officer through Pos Indonesia after the verification officer ensures the vehicle owner commits traffic violations based on the captured CCTV images. People who buy motorized vehicles starting in October 2018, for the registration process will be asked to include telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. So when issuing a new car or motorbike, there is a condition to include telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.

On the other hand, Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, expressed his strong support for the E tilang program. “I think it’s a good idea for governance to be faster,” Budi said at Jakarta’s Kartini Hall, Tuesday, September 18, 2018. He claimed to fully support the implementation so that the vehicle traffic in the capital can be arranged neatly. If there is traffic congestion at the beginning of the implementation, the Minister of Transportation considers that it is normal.

By: Rikky, S *)

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