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Election Is Not a Democracy Problem


CIDISS. One form and mechanism of democracy in the region is the direct election of regional heads. Election is a means of manifestation of sovereignty and affirmation that voters are people in the regions. First, to choose the regional head in accordance with the common will of the people in the region so that he is expected to understand and realize the will of the people in the region. Secondly, through the election it is hoped that the choice of people in the region is based on the mission, vision, program and quality and integration of candidates for regional heads that will determine the success of local governance. The third election is a means of accountability as well as a means of public evaluation and political control of a regional head and a supporting political force.

Election is simultaneously a reform of the regional head elections system because in the previous election election menyisahkan problems in the form of high cost of democracy so the presence of election simultaneously save the budget and can make the time. These simultaneous electoral issues certainly have implications for the participation of the people in the election, if in the previous election the direct election conducted every 5 years.

Direct elections have been held in the first phase in 2015, therefore the success and quality of the election implementation is determined by the preparation of the election stages simultaneously implemented consistently in accordance with the laws and regulations.

Election 2018, planned to be followed by 171 regions. The technical challenges of 2018 conferred elections may not be too complex for the KPU because there have been two simultaneous waves of elections. However, contrary to the KPU, Bawaslu actually has a great homework to make the administrative sanctions sanction the cancellation of nominations for those who commit a structured, systematic and massive violation of money to be actually applied.

The question of Democracy is a pattern of governance that actively includes all members of society in decisions taken by those authorized. So the legitimacy of the government is the will of the people who choose and control it. People choose their representatives freely and through them this is their government. In addition, in a State of a population of millions, citizens also take part in government through the consent and criticism that can be expressed freely in the mass media. Therefore, in order to succeed elections in 2018, the community is expected to play an active role by participating in creating peace and security in the elections of 2018.

By: Mirwan Achmad*)

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