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Encouraging the Regional Economy with developing the Featured Village Production


CIDISS. The government encourages village officials and counselors to implement four priority programs to advance the rural economy. Capital problems and market access are of concern as the handling of these issues is believed to have a significant impact on advancing the rural economy.

Village Minister for the Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Mendes PDTT) Eko Putro Sandjojo said that poverty occurred because the villagers did not have the opportunity to own a business.

Eko revealed, some of the issues that arise include the problem of capital and market access is weak. He encourages villagers to find excellent products sourced from local resources. It is intended that the resources in the village are used optimally. By having one excellent commodity that is the focus of development and can be produced on a large scale. Large scale that will facilitate the village to get a profitable market and can compete.

In addition, excellent products can encourage the growth of various other economic activities, so as to contribute greatly to the economic growth of the village.

Latest data released based on the results of a survey of Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) and Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) recorded more than 15,000 disadvantaged villages that rose to the status of developing villages.

Until 2017, village funds channeled to more than 74,000 villages have built 123,145 kilometers of village roads, 5,220 village market units, 26,070 units of Village Owned Enterprise (BUMDes), 1,927 units of embung, and 28,091 irrigation units.

In addition, village funds have been used to build clean water facilities of 37,496 units, 5,314 units of Polindes, 18,072 PAUD units, 11,424 units of Posyandu, 108,484 units of MCK, 38,217 kilometers of drainage, and 65,918 units of land retention.

Each region must have its own potentials for it should be training the ability of every citizen in a region in building the area, cooperation to manage so that human resources become more productive and support regional excellence to become competitive superior in spurring regional economic growth.

By: Moh. Irfandi*)

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